Show Nl NEW SUITS FILED ILD The Prudential Insurance Company of America against Albe Albert Peterson to recover 2975 2915 1975 on note and foreclose mortgage Ingebretsen Ingebretsen Inge- Inge bretsen Ray Rai Rawlins attorneys Transfer Realty company against DI- DI worth H. H Maxfield for restitution of bet lse Herbert Hrbert Van Dam Jr attorney In the thc matter mater of the dissolution of the Murray Buick Bulck Dulci company petition petton of board boud of directors director to dissolve corporation Fabian Clendenin attorneys Henry Cohn against Automobile company and Union Pacific Railroad company com corn pany for accounting and Md Judgment on ex excess cx- cx cess cesa freight charges William Wilam Goldberg e. e Sam Bam Bernstein Berstein Harry Goldberg and K O C. Tanner attorneys John ohn C C. C U OU against Vernon Venon Ander Ander- son son administration DC of the the ate et estate or of Golden oI n McMahon Charles les H. H l Miles Mies Minnie Miles les and Cook is Noyes for restitution of premises prem prem- Is and to quiet title Hurd Hurd ney ners |