Show Prospectors Sit Tight on Claims aims TAHOE CITY Cal Cat July 14 P P IP- Grizzled prospectors from desert and mountain s sat t tight on their claims at atthe atthe atthe the Quail Lake gold strike In the timbered timbered timbered tim tim- high Sierra today as a survey went forward to determine whether they can remain L. L M. M Allen San Francisco mining man conducting the survey reported incomplete measurements indicated the strike region was on government ground and the locaters beaters were therefore therefore there there- fore within their rights Private ownership ownership own own- of at the land would have excluded ex ex- ex eluded the rush of ot gold seekers who today numbered approximately Mining men said the strike was In Inline inline inline line with the Mother Lode from Virginia Virginia Vir Vir- Vir ginia City's Comstock to Auburn Cal |