Show Great Beer Strike Goes Up in Foam Irate Drivers Whipped Into Line Br By Press CHICAGO July 14 The great beer jeer strike went up in a lot of loam foam oam today oday It was nipped in the bud by the much-harassed much syndicate that once boasted Al Capone as its leader The end came just in time to save the parched throats of thirsty Chicagoans in n the summers summer's first real heat wave The strike which involved beer truck ruck drivers and their helpers started start ed last Saturday A wage reduction was the cause When the weekly pay off oU came came drivers found only in place of the usual helpers help help- ers were cut to 50 from the accustomed accustomed accustomed tomed 75 Its the depression one of the suave syndicate officials explained to his irate We have to keep this this' corp corporation ration in liquid condition Collections are terrible You'll have to take the cut Every conservative business man will tell you the same thing The drivers and helpers were un un- un- un convinced They pointed out the syndicate syndicate syndicate syn syn- is still charging 55 a barrel for beer They cited the great creat danger danger dan dan- ger in hauling the loads through the city in these days days of vigilant federal enforcement activity V For two days not a driver or helper help help- er appeared for work Joe Fusco and Bert Delaney directors of the syndicates syndicate's beer business were fran- fran tic lie They even were forced to roll a afew afew afew few barrels out themselves Finally the strikers were persuaded persuade ed cd to attend a conference Arguments in favor of the wage cut were pre pre- Threats were made said the strikers and walked out again Another day went by and the situation situation situation sit sit- became desperate Saloons reported beer supplies vanishing The recalcitrant drivers were called to a 8 second meeting But this time the syndicate had a n more potent argument argument argument ment ready A massive Italian nicknamed Mussolini Mussolini Mussolini Mus was present Mussolini is isan isan isan an adjuster er for the beer corporation In his hand he held n a long whip Near by st stood od two syndicate guards revolvers drawn After Arter an hours hour's argument In which the whip figured prominently the strike was was broken Today the drivers and helpers covered their usual routes Many had pillows placed on their truck seats and grimaced a bit when the heavy trucks bounced over rough pavement |