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Show OU8T THE DEMON. BAJ A Tussle with Coffee. H Tbero Is something fulrly demonl- H acal in tho way coffeo sometimes "''VA1 wreaks Its fiendish malice on thoso H wbo use M A lady writing from Calif, says: 'H "My husband and I, both lovers ot HB coffee, suffered for sumo timo from a lH very annoying form of nervousnoss, H accompanied by most frightful head- U aches. In my own caso there was Jt evontually developed somo sort of af HH fectlon of tho norvos loading from the M spine to tho head. M "I was unablo to hold my head up M straight, the tension of the norvos M drew It to ono sldo, causing me tho HJ most intenso pain. Wo got no relief HB from medicine, nnd were puzzlod as B to what caused Uie troublo, until a M friend suggested that possibly tho cot- M too wo drank had Boraothlng to do B with it, and advised that wo quit It BB and try Poatum Coffeo. BB "We followed his advice, and from BJ tho day that we bogan to use Postura BBj wo both began to Imptovc, nnd In BBj a very short timo both of us woro BB entirely rollovcd. Tho nenes beenma iBVJ steady onco more, tho headaches law! ceased, tho muscles In tho back of my jBB nock relaxod, my hoad straightened ' H up and tho dreadful pain that had bo 'BB punished mo while I used tho old kind BfJ of coffeo vanished. il "Wo have never resumed the use ot BB tho old coffee, but relish our Postum 'Saw. orery day us well as we did tho ,'B forinor beverago. And we aro de- JBB lighted to find that wo can glvo It HH frooly to our chtldron also, something BB we nover dared to do with the old BB Vlnd of coffeo." Name given by Po Bj turn Co., Battle Creek, Mich. BB Postum Coffee contains absolutely BB no drugs ot any kind, but relieves the BB coffee drinker from the old druj Hl poison. '-'BJl There's a reason. '! BB BvJ |