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Show BOLT FROM SKY SMITESJHRONC wo Hundred People Struck by Lightning, One Being Killed and n Sc6rc Injured. Crowd Was Assembled at Race Track In Utah Town, Watching, a Race, When the Bolt Came Without a Moment's Notice. Richfield, Utah. Lightning from a clenr sky hurled 200 pornons to the ground, killing one, Tuesday afternoon. after-noon. Another will probably dlo. Twenty-six moro nro Injured, soveral of them badly. Tho holt fell In tho midst of 2,000 peoplo, all crowded closo to tho rail of tho now raco track. They 'cro watching tho beginning of tho .ay'n third trotting raro. It enmo without wnrnlng. A terrific report stnrtled tho thousands. Half dazed by Its Intensity Inten-sity thoso who had oscaped tho shock caught their scattered senses to see maddened horses dashing lit all directions direc-tions through tho crowd, while 200 moil and women lay prostrate. Tho bolt como from a broad strip of clear sky between two npprouchlng cloud masBcs. Its explosion when It struck on n wagon was tho first warning warn-ing of Its presence. Tho ground had boon wet by light showers nnd tho olectrlclty Bcnttorcd over tho grnss in bluo flames thnt knocked down, stunned nnd burned victims on nil sides, It ripped wagon wheels nnd seats nnd shnttered tho track fence. The crowd had gathered at tho now fair grounds. They had como from many surrounding ixilnts In honor of Utah Commercial Travelers day, Tho races wcro the main thing of Interest nnd thoy hnd crowded closo to the track, all nlong whose circuit thoy wero Btrung. When tho holt struck somo thought dynnmlto had exploded. Others thought it was a giant firecracker. A rush townrd tho plnce followed, as soon as peoplo recovered their senses, Horses were running mndly, soma dragging carriages nni others loose. Women and chlldrst shrieked with terror. ( The area over which tho shock wns felt extonded nbout 100 yards each way. A number of wagons nnd carriages car-riages In this area wero broken by tho force of the lightning. Mrs. A. D. RnsmiiHsun was In n surrey sur-rey with her family of children when til bolt felT. Tho horso ran away nnd tho vohlclo was overturned. Mrs. ItnsmuBscn was badly Injured, as wns a little girl. Tho mother's noso wns cut off. H. S. I vie, n horseman, who had' Just lined up his sulky for tho start, hnd a strango experience. His nnlmal was dazed for soveral seconds, us was fho driver. Both rniuu to about tho same time, ami tho horse bolted nt onco. Still half dazed, tho driver held grimly to tho roltm and gullied tho horse iirouiid the track By the time his wits fully emtio to him ho had tho brute tinder control. The new fair grounds, tho scene of tho uccldont, are, about three miles from town. After tho first shock sustained by the throng, nsslstnnco was given to tho Injured. It was found that Alius Bean, of Richfield, 19 years of ago, was dead. Among tho most seriously Injured aro: Dwlght Bean, Rlchllold; will probably prob-ably dlo; clothes all torn off. Mrs. A. B. Williams, badly shocked and burned about head and hack. Mrs Harry E. Mills, Rlchllold. badly bad-ly shocked and burned nbout left side. Mrs. A. O. RasmtiSHon, Rlchllold, none cut off Inez Clark, Rlchllold, shocked, burned over hend. Child of Mrs. Rnsmiisaon, Internally Internal-ly hurt. W. E. Ashiiius. Richfield, hair burned off, badly shocked. Archie Anduison, (llenwood, hair burned from bond, badly shonkod. All the nbovo nro still confined to fiel.- bcdB. There wore about a score of others less seriously Injured. |