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Show From Our Exchanges ALTA LOCAL BRIEF8. On Tuesday, 29. two moro cars of Alta ore reached tho sampler. Tho Wyoming mlno continues to send in its carload of ore a day. Two cam of ore were forwarded to tho Pioneer bompler Monday. . . Two cars of Alta oro was received nt the Pioneer sampler, Monday, 28th. On nSuturday. the 2nd Inst., four more cars of Alta reached tho samplers. sam-plers. Two ravi of Alia oro was the usual quota on Friday, 1st, at tho Pioneer sampler. MotiRpcr Henry M. Crorlher of tho Continental, was In camp the first or the week. J J Tuesday, 29, too shares of Columbus Colum-bus Con. sold at fZ a share. Tho entire en-tire sales netting 11, BOO. September 2. 1,000 sharee of Coli,sv bla Con. sold for 2.0E and 1,000 of 12.10. Tho day sales realized !, 150. V Things are looking vory brjghty American For): canyon and prosper aro good that thoy will contlnuo aii(l Improvo. ' J, W. K.Mltcholl, who Is running t now tunnel on tho Kennebec ooh-pnny's ooh-pnny's property wob In Salt Lake lat week njw returned to camp Monday.,! iTIiii ,camp outfit which was fouii sorHptimo ago cached Jusf..over life summit In Codar valley ,,hfl u claimed by John Burrl or Alta.' MW Hurrl had been prospecting "and s4nf ply hid his outllt whllo ho weht,v.g work for now supplies. Thus en tho mitery. |