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Show Saved from Suicide by Bath. A keeper nt tho county Jail In Jersey Jer-sey City mado tho discovery a few days ago that Nicola Murdaco, a condemned con-demned Italian murderer, was in need of n bath. Tho tip was furnished by Edward Tapoley, a negro murderer, who Is under scntenco to hang ono weok be-toro be-toro tho date set for Murdaco's cxecu. tlon Tapoley said be strenuously objected ob-jected to confinement In tho samo cell with the Italian unless "tho dago had a wash." Murdaco was ordered to get Into tho bathtub, but refused. Ho said ho would die first, and then six attendants attend-ants yanked his clothes off and washed wash-ed him. Murdaco's yells were heard In oyery part ot thi Jail, Three or four men hold him down while others scrubbed him from head to foot. Murdaco tried to kill himself the other day by twisting and pulling Ills' tonguo until It bled at the roots. The kcopors believe tho Italian hnd an Idea that ho could commit sulcldo by allowing tho pores of his skin to close up, nnd for that reason refused to wash himself. |