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Show I TEA We look through yovA jfc ' grocer to you; beyond, but U' - through your grocer, to you. K' 'our grocer nlurni your inontj If you doa'l Uk jK t -MlIlmt-iU.lt. ! TEA I , A trifle of tea in a dainty i t cup has in it a world of rest i' or of stimulant what is the :. time o'day? J f TEA Jf One lingers long over tea, ', if the tea is fine. It is a good i ' time and place to linger. howt ronciET A Ursa I-or- pckf o ltsd Ctom Hall Ww. only fieenu. The Uuu Oomptnr, Houm lloa, Ind. FEVER'S AFTER EFFECTS B Did Not Disappear Until tho Blood WM Was Ronewed by Dr. Williams' H Pink Pills. H Typhoid fever Is sometimes called nor H Tout fnvor. Dnriug tho cunre of the H fever the ncrvoi mo nlwuyti profoundly H disturbed, Hint vrhru it Is over they are H left so sensitive that tho patient lmi tb H beguantoilnRaiuiitullexultviuuiit. In tin H touio treatment then demanded, regard H must be paid not only to building up flesh M bat also to strengthening tbo nerves, A H remedy that will do both, make sound flesh to reUr waxte mid give now vigor H to feeble uvrv r, is tho luost conveniens M nnd economical. Hueh n remedy Is Dr. H SVillinms' Pink Pills for Palo People. H One proof of this Is the exjierleueo of M Mr Uhurlrs Worth, of Knt VnsNtllioro, M Maine. He Mivs: "I hml n savvro at- M tack of typhoid fevor Into in the full H Which left inn very weak mid debilitated. M iMy heart palpitated, my breathing be- M wine dllHcnltHftnr the least exertion anil M there was nninbne" In both bunds. I H snfferrdlu that way for fully six mouths. H As I did not grow out of it, did not in H fact rce the slightest Improvement as B time passed. I decided to uso Dr. Wil- H Hams' Pink Pills its I knew of miiho oures H they had effected ill cases like mine H "Almost as soon ns I began taking H them I could sen decided imp'rovemetit B and after keening on with them for several weeks I was completely welt. I consider I)r Williams Pink Pills u most H valuable remedy, and I am III the habit H pf recommending tbcmtoothuninflllctud KsIwm." M When the nerves ache nnd trem- HH le It means that they are starving. Tbe H only way to feed them Is through the BB blood, and the best fond is Dr. Williams' H Pink Pills. They are absolutely guarnn- H teed to be free from opiates or other hnrm- BBB fnl drngs. They are sold by all drug- ,BBB gists, or may bo obtained directly from !BVJ the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Scheueo- M Udy.N.Y. ',fl TEA II This is a better country fVI because wc arc in it tea jHftfl country. 4B)fl And that isn't all. Sbh Wrll for our Killft lloek, A. Sekllllof a, JSusVsVJ OeinpD,Sftnrrftncli,o. JSMfeBBf TEA Tea thoughts are like H dream thoughts, not tied to H our cares and sorrows. H Atk Your Dealer for Allen's Foot-Ease M A ponder. It rests tke feet. Cures Swollen, H Bore, Hot, Callous, Aohlns. Sweating Feet M and Ingrowlnr Nails. AtallDrugcUtand Shoe stares, 2& cents. Accept no substitute. W7 Smple mailed FKKIX Address, Allen B. I Olmsted, Loltoy, N. Y. H TEA Fine tea brings-out con- H varsation if anything will; it compels to a little leisure. |