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Show COMMON SENSE. "IHtsl A large Minneapolis manufacturing '.'fnfl concern, Tho Plllsbury Co., aro ouiy JgjH ploying a unlquo inothod In advertls- "HAV .ing tholr product, "i'lllsbury's Vitos, H The Meat of tho Wheat," In appealing H to the "Common Sense" of tbu A'mer- H lean public, H Tbelr assertions aro modest as com- H parod to most of tbo ccroal food ad- 4iH vartlsemcnts of tbe last few years, H but they carry a ring of truth. Their ". reasoning a certainly rational; horo' H Is some of It: H "We all believe that Wheat Is the 'M best cereal the Creator has given man H I'lllsbury's Vitos is nothing more H nor loss than the white heart of this H wheat kernel, cut out by steel ma- H chlnory and sterilized nothing add- iwfl ed nothing taken away no adulter- jH atlon no flavoring no coloring no H cooking. H This product comes to your table H In Its pure, white, granular form, an H appetizing dish for young and old. H Easily digested because It ictnlaa H Its granular form when cooked, never H lumpy or pasty. H A two pound package, raakos twelve H pounds of pure whlto cooked food, and H Plllsbury quality too. 'Two generous H dishes for ono cent H Wo have no competitors because U wo are the largest millers In the U world and get the best wheat. Your H rror r will gladly All your order for M Plllsbiiry's Vitus because ho knows v he sells you satisfaction. Vitos is put VJ up only In two pound packages air fl tight I'rlco 20c. Don't bo without M It" |