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Show BEAVER COUNTY BRIEFS. ,1, 1 Times nro buBy at Nowhouso. , t ; ji d . j ' A great deal of rain has fallen? It the couuty of lato. At Scarletlna has practically " pcarod from Beaver City. L"w Chief metallurgist, of tho Newhousfl staff, was down from Salt Lake Tawtj day. 4 J Tho Wasatch King Is again expo! ing Its richness as work of dovelo j ment progresses. aj A great deal of hay has been , l lured In tho county by tho reo"H rnlna ns much of It has JuBt been cngl Tho Cactus mlno of Nowhouw; lil purely a copper mlno, carrying prMfl tlcnlly no lend or zlno and very IHtHi silver and gold. '' J t1 v J Tho Skylark is reported to hav largo quantities of oro In tho 124-foM level, assays of which show nearly im per cent copper. -M Two cows wcro killed by llghtninil it Heaver last week, and the smr.j day D. M. Glllls. n young man In his employ was knocked down and somcwhnt Injured by the samo agency. lor tho purpose of providing additional addi-tional means with which to carry on ilevelopmcnts nt tho Federal company's com-pany's properties, Mnnrgcr II. E. Meyer will Icavo for tho enst today. Ueforo returning he expects to visit Grand Rapids. Mich., Evnnsvlllo, Ind and Louisville, Ky. Ho Mpccts to bo ono about six weeks. |