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Show pN CHINESE NOWJTARViNG isage Giving Details of Aw-iil Aw-iil Famine Received From II a Noted Missionary. SpGRY REFUGEES HAVE FLOCKED TO THE CITIES Ijjny Millions Are Suffering; f Bfielief Is Present Urgent m Seed. 1lrVC YORK, Jan. 22. The American J, society has Just received the fol- lag cablegram from the Rev. John U. uces, D. D., the agent of the society wotify all board3 Shanghai Missionary "latlon, 274 members, representing 19 s, urges appeal famine relief igh all churches. Million and ouar-itarvlng ouar-itarvlng Refugocs already flocked :. In district 3.000.000 destitute. millions affected. Many deaths nl-though nl-though five months, suffering only l. General relief committee, repre-tigall repre-tigall Interests in thlK part East '.in plating work relief entirely In tiBlble hands. Opportunity century :sb China." ipeclal meeting of representatives of onary bodies of the United States ig work In China has been held In York In response to this cablegram t wan by them unanimously rocom-ed rocom-ed that churches, societies and lh-Lials lh-Lials bo urgently requested to con-Le con-Le liberally and promptly to meet emergency. |