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Show active mm 19 BULLISH SEHTIMEHT All Offerings Readily Taken; Weather Conditions Prime Cause of Advance'. CHICAGO, Jan. 22. Trading in the wheat pit was active and sentiment was bullish all day. At times local holders sold freely, but. otl'crlng.s were readily taken. Tho news of tho day was largely In favor of the bulls. Weather conditions in Russia were said to be too cold for the free movement of the crop, and an advanco of lc per bushel in the prlco of wheal at Borlln was reported. re-ported. Weather in the Unltod States was severely cold in the Northwest, while from the Southwest, whero tho fall-sown crop Is said to be destitute of snow covering, reports were received expressing express-ing apprehension of damage by a possible possi-ble drop"in temperature. The market closed steady. May opened unchanged to lc lower, at 77Jc to 7Sc, sold off to 773Q)77ie and advanced to 78Hc The close was net unchanged at 78c. Favorable weather for the movement and grading caused soiling of corn early in the day and brought about easier prices. Profit-taking causod some recession reces-sion during the last few minutes, but the close was steady. May opened 13c to (JIic lower, at 45ie to 45Hc advanced to 40c and closed at 45ic, a shade higher high-er on the day. RANGE OF THE LEADING FUTURES. Wheat Open. High. Low. Close. May 78a 78ft 773 78 July 78 78 77fi 77S September .. 778 781 77B , 772 Corn January 411 421 111 12 May 45S 464 151 45 July 453 46 -ma 45? September .. 46 461 4C1 46 Oats September .. 321 321 31 32J January .... 353 36 35fc 353 May m 381 381 .18 July 353 352 252 351 Mess .Pork, pox bbl. May .... ...16.521 16.521 16.371 16.421 July 16.621 10.621 16.521 1C.55 Lard, per 100 lbs. January ....0.30 0.30 0.271 0.271 jVIay 0.50 3.521 f.42i 0.45 July 0.50 0.52i 0.471 0.17 Short Ribs, per 100 lbs. January .' 8,071 Mny 0.171 3.171 0.05 0.10 July 0.20 0.25 0.171 0.20 CASH QUOTATIONS. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, steady; No. 2 spring wheat, 77(?j)Slc. No. 3. 60S0c: No. 2 red. 73Ji)743c; No. 2 corn. 423c; No. 2 yellow, 43c; No, 2 oats. 353c, No. 2 white. 3Sc; No. 3 white, 36iT 38c: No. 2 rye, 62c; fair to choice malting barley. Slfgiooc; Xo. 1 flax seed, $1.14; Xo. 1 Northwestern, $121; prime timothy seed, $4 404,45: clover, contract grades, $14.00; short ribs, sides (loose). $S.75(fi 0.00: mess "pork, per barrel, $16,021; lard, per 100 pounds. $0,271; short clear sides (boxed). $0.25ii?'0.371; whiskey, basis of high wines. $1.20. RECEIPTS AXD SHIPMENTS. Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 36,4(T0 10,500 Wheat, bushels 44,000 27,200 Corn, bushels 446,400 577.600 Oats, bushels 250.500 150.800 Rye, bushels 5.000 4,000 Barley, bushels 246,000 10,100 PRODUCE EXCHANGE. On th produce exchange today the butter market was steady: creameries. 20i52DJc: dairies, 10i)27c; eggs, easy at mark, cases included, 23gi24c: firsts, 25c; prime firsts. 26c; extras, 28c; cheese, strong, 13g14c. ' Liverpool Whoat. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 22. Close "Wheats-March, "Wheats-March, 6s 5d; .May. 6s Id; July. 6s Sd. The weather in England lodav was cold and damp. Minneapolis Wheat. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 22. Wheat May. 7087030; July. 80S0c; No. 1 Tfard. S32c; No. 1 Northern. SIZc: No. 2 Northern, North-ern, 703j.70?c; No. 3 Northern, 77g77io. New York Sugar. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. Sugar Raw firm; fair refining. 3c:, centrifugal 06 test. 31c; molasses sugar. 2Jc. rfincd steady, unchanged.' |