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Show GOLDFIELD CONSOLIDATED. Company Bolls Up Sleoves for the Active Ac-tive Development of Mine, The Goldfield Consolidated Mines company, tho new owner of the Mohawk. Mo-hawk. Laguna. Red Top and Jumbo at Goldfield, has begun active development work in earnest, and it is not expected to be long before tho company has shown its ability to completely break all records of the leasers who ceased operations a short time ago. "tfpun the Mohawk ground, the company has started a main working shaft, 4x14 feet in the clear, and as fine a Jinc of equipment has been installed as it was possible to secure-.. The following interesting information is given by the Goldfleld Tribuno: At present a large force of miners are employed and the work of opening open-ing up what is believed to bo tho world's greatest gold mine is being diligently prosecuted under the supervision su-pervision of as competcpt corps of mining min-ing engineers as tho country enn produce. pro-duce. Connections have been made nl-ready nl-ready with all of tho bonanza lenses that expired, and tho workings wcro found to be in excellent condition, but it is necessary to do considerable timbering tim-bering and other work in them under the plans outlined by Manager Finch. Every stone and drift and winzo i bo-ing bo-ing carefully sampled. It was the opinion opin-ion of two of tho leasees who had taken out moro than two millions each that they had loft moro oro that could bo treated with a reasonable transportation transporta-tion and reduction rato in their bloclca of ground than thoy had taken out. " ho Consolidated company is amply pro-vided pro-vided with funds for tho erection ot their own reduction plant. . In sinking tho big company shall now ore homes havo been oucountorcd, as has also been the enno in extending crosscuts to mako connoctionB wjtn tho loasers' workings. A largo station has boon cut at thn 250 find 350-foot lovela and tho shaft has now reached a depth of 42," feet. Twonty-ftvo feet deeper another station will bo cut. Manager Finch said to the Tribune yesterday: "We aro working a large force of "minors and adding to the number num-ber daily. It will take somo little time to begin rogular shipments. Of course-, wo could start tomorrow, but it would not bo to the advantngo of the com-pairy. com-pairy. Thorn is no danger that the value of gold will depreciate and there is a strong probability that wo may be able to havo it extracted at a much lower rate than at prosent. I do not fear the water problem here, o arc installing an electric pump which, in my opinion, will do for tho mine, trom my observations in different mines throughout the district, there need be no great fear from thirf source. From tho Mohawk ground in tho different levels below the 300-foot, point water hn.s been encountered, but after a few weeks' pumping the supply disappeared. disap-peared. Of course, seepage water is hound to give some trouble, but tho electric pumps will be able to hnndlc it easily. This is a godsend to a country coun-try where fuel for steam purposes for big steam pumps is so scarce and so costly." |