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Show YOUTHFUL HERO !$ SUITABLY REWARDED Management of the Templeton Block Recognizes Brave Conduct Con-duct During Fire. Because he displayed-wonderful presence pres-ence of mind and courage during the recent Templeton' block fire, Don- Davidson, Da-vidson, tho elevator boy, was yesterday made the recipient of $25 as a reward from his employers, the owners of the building. Although the elevator shaft was at the biginning fairly filled with cinders and falling plastering and was later deluged with streams of water from the nre hose, the young nian kept the elevator operating effectively until un-til all danger was past. Young Davidson's brave' was. how-1 how-1 over, reinforced with a good modicum l.of sound judgment, and to this ho may attribute the recognition received from his employers. When, shortly after the alarm had spread among tho occupants occu-pants of the various rooms, some of the tenants on the lower floors swarmed to tho stairways and to the doors of the olevator shaft, he coolly requested them to stay in their rims, and as-snrod as-snrod them that there was no danger imminent. Meanwhile he kept his elevator ele-vator traveling full speed botwoen the ground floor and the sixth story, and when he had rcmowd all the tenants from the top floor he gave his attention atten-tion to those on the floor below. Tho management of the Templeton block gives him credit for doing much to prevent a panic, which might easily have resulted, inasmuch as the elevator shaft and the ndjoining stairwaj's were filled with smoke and cinders, making it dangerous to attempt descent in any other way than by the elevator. Tncfldaj' afternoon a committee inspected in-spected the damaged building, with a view to arriving at an adjustment of the losses, but no decision had been reached last night. It is thought Mint the damage will amount to several thousand dollars. |