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Show IT'S MAIN STREET, NOT EASTJEIPLE Was So Ordered by the Council, Officially, at Last Night's Session. NO BONUS FOR MO RAN; ALL THE PAPERS FILED Large Excess of Market Street Estimate Over the Actual Cost of Paving. Main street, called officially, but not otherwise. East. Tomple street, will have its name changed legally to Main street on the new oflicial map of tho city, which City Engineer Kclsey is preparing. prepar-ing. The City Engineer was directed last night by the City Council to make the chnnge. This action was rccom-monded rccom-monded by the Committee on Bnginoer-ing, Bnginoer-ing, nnd tho Council adopted its report by tho following vote: Yoiuj Black. Carter, Ferry, Hobday, Murtin and President Davis G Nays Barnos, Fornstrom, .Hollo, Mulvey and Wells .1. Absent Crablree, O'Donnell, Prcccc and Tuddcnham 1. Oouncilmen Fornstrom and Mulvey contended that the report was not adopted because a majority of the whole Council did not vote for its adoption. President Davis ruled, however, that the vote of a majority of a quorum was sufficient to adopt the report and, on appeal, his decision was sustained. The matter was precipitated several weeks aco by Councilman ' Rulon S. Wells, who introduced a resolution to the effect that, inasmuch as the official name of tho street is East Temple, business busi-ness men and property-owners 011 tho street should be requested to use that name in their advertising and otherwise. The matter was referred to the Engineering En-gineering committee, which reported in la vor ot changing the name to Maiu stroef. Action on this report has been delayed several times, until last night, when it was taken up aud ndopted. No Bonus for Mr. Moran. As forecasted inclusively in The Tribune yesterday morning', the Council Coun-cil decide'd not to pay Contractor P. .T. Mornn any bonus for completing his contract on the Big Cottonwood conduit. con-duit. The Financo committee reported in favor of placing on file without action ac-tion tho recommendation of both the Board nf Public Works and the City Engineer on the subject, and the report re-port was adopted unanimously. The Board of Public Works, backed by City Attorney Ogden Hiles, favored paying Mr. Moran a bonus for eighteen days. The City Engineer held that he was entitled to a bonus for sixty-one day?. Want to Come Into City. Earl Dunshee and thirteen others sent a petition into the Council asking that lots 3, 4, 5, 6. 7. 16. 17. IS. 39 and 20, and parts of lflts 1 and 2, all in block 10, Five Acre Plat C, Big Field survey, be annp.ed to SnJt Lake City. The whole comprises ahout sixty acre's. The petition was referred to tho committee com-mittee on Municipal Laws, with the City Attorney and City Engineer associated. as-sociated. City Recorder .7. B. Moreton submitted sub-mitted a report showing that the receipts re-ceipts of tho Recorder's office for December, De-cember, from the two divisious of the city court, automobile licenses and franchise applications, amounted to $2270.75. The Council appropriated $140 for repairing the goddess of justice on the tower of the city and oountj' building. Councilman Blnck reported that the goddess had "gone on a bender" during dur-ing the windstorm last October, and that it hnd become necessary to restore her equilibrium. A memorial to Congress, asking that body to give the city a right-of-wav for a boulevard across the Fort. Douglas military reservation to connect with the Wasatch drive, which was built chiefly by private subscription, was adopted. Councilman Mulvey introduced an ordinance increasing the salary of tho chief clerk in the wnter department from $ig00 to $1200 a year, and increasing in-creasing the salary of the storekeeper in the samo department from $780 to .$1080. The ordinance, at Mr. Mulvey 'a request, was referred to the Waterworks Water-works committee. Report on Paving. City Engineer L. C. Kelecy inaugurated inaugur-ated an innovation last night by sending send-ing to the Council a report on the status of the-Market sreet paving. Mr. Kclsey says he will send in simifar reports re-ports on all paving contracts. His Market street report is as follows: No. of front feet assessed 1320 feet Eatlmnted cost per front foot..? 8.50 Total eHtlmatetl cost, abutters' abut-ters' portion 11,220.00 Actual cost, per front foot 5.8517 'Total cost, abutters' portion.. 7,724.0S Enslneor'a estimate In excess of actual cost per front foot. 2.G1S3 Engineer's estlmnlo In excess of actual cost, abutter's portion por-tion , 3,4!)5.7 Estimated cost of city's por- tlon ............ 1.500.00 Actual cost of city h portion... 1,527.09 |