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Show REFUSED TO PROSECUTE Little Helen Cannon Not Permitted to Testify Against Her Assailant. Much disappointment Is expressed in police and Police court circles on account ac-count of the manner In which It was found necessary to dispose of the case of Jim Crawford in Judce Dlehl's court Monday afternoon. Officer Ripley on Saturday night arrested ar-rested Crawford for maklns an assault upon little Helen Cannon, the 12-vear-old daughter of Dr. William T Cannon. The child positively Identified Crawford a few minute? after the assault was made, and when booked at police headquarters, he made no denial of It whatever. JIo was charged with the offense and locked up. a friend named William Stewart, who was with him at the time, but who had no part In the assault, being held as a w!tnoP8 to testify against him. Monday morning Officer Ripley was notified no-tified by telephone that the parents of the child, not wishing to subject the little one to unpleasant notoriety, would not permit her to appear In court to testify against her assailant. Though urged, In the name of Justice, to abandon this position, posi-tion, they refused to do so and the charge against Crawford was reduced from assault as-sault to plain battery. It was now found that it would be equally difficult to score a conviction in the case on this charge without the testimony of the little girl. After much consultation the charge was again reduced, this time to simple drunkenness drunk-enness and, on a plea of gulltv to this charge. Crawford was fined J10 |