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Show Local Circles Anticipate Some Fine Mines Within the I Present Season, SALT LAKE TALENT : IS WELL REPRESENTED Copper Disclosures Calling for Attention of Big Men in Copper Field. Hj Well informed mining men of this H city confident 1' nrerlict a banner sen- Fori for the Star district, of Beaver coun- tv, before the present year lias given Hj way ro lflOS. T'he prosent indications H speak far loo eloquently of mineral pos- H labilities for the ever-awake local tal- ?nt to ignore tho sins, and on all flj sides one can learn of 'Salt Lake people Hj putting their time and money in prop- H erties within this magic circle. A boom is expected for practically all Beaver H county in the spring, but the Star dis- trict. 'being in t lie lead from tho stand- point of activity and number of prop; crtics, is expected to feel the throb of H new life first. j The Star district is admirably situ Hj ated for success in mining. The main H properties of tho district arc not over six miles from the railroad, and, their H! accessibility to railroad facilities is H one strong fcaturo in the camp's fa- vor. Another point that; is not being disregarded is that, the present dis-closures dis-closures of copper ores bid fair to at- HI tract, tho attention of tho great cap- tains of the red metal world, and visit-ors visit-ors from Beaver are agreed in the stale-nicnt. stale-nicnt. that, properties arc being bonded almost with each now day, and somo of the purchasers arc men of great Hi weight in the copper world. While tho mines themselves are show- H ing up every reason for a continuation of activity 'and confidence, t he owners B of properties are. pursuing a course that cannot but appeal to all fair-minded persons. It would seem that owners Kpprcciate the vnluo of securing strong talent for property ownership, and no matter how strong a purchaser s back- n ing may be, he finds in the Star district a largo number of property owners who are willing to meet him half way, and not expect the price of a developed mine for a mere prospect. H Reports from Beaver county are to the ctTcct that the mining fraternity of that, particular section arc awaiting the results of the present work upon tho H Burning Moscow property with great interest. This splendid property is bc-ing bc-ing probed at depth, and upon the dis-closures dis-closures is anticipated a renewal of con-fidencc con-fidencc in the region. The Moscow is being developed by contract, and upon Hj the completion of 'the present contract, it is expected that another will be en-tcred en-tcred into for the purpose of driving the shaft down to the 500-foot level. This work will go far toward estab-lishing estab-lishing the continuity of the resources. Tho Moscow is about the center of .the great zone containing tho granite lime contact and system of fissures upon Hf which so many Salt Lakers have cen- icrcd their hopes. Its neighbors consist of the Hub, the Commonwealth, the Cedar and the Co-rlar Co-rlar Extension, the Progressive, Talis-man, Talis-man, Atlns, the Elephant, Orphan Boy, j Grncic and others well known to local fame. Several of these mines are prcs-entda- shippers of ore, while upon those not sending resources to market are nrn disclosures of encouraging magni-tudc. magni-tudc. The Orphan Boy management is Hj developing what is considered to be the Elephant ledge, and upon the Elephant 1 ground several leasers are striving to renew the active life of production once maintained by that property. Everything points to an era of usc- fulness for Star district properties the present season never before equaled, and it. is certain that, both Beaver coun-ty coun-ty and Salt Lake City have confidence in the region. |