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Show The finer the sail the better for the butter. I'dder trouble are frequently the result re-sult of bad feeding. A warm bran mash I fine for tne cow Just after calving. Because a cow I dry Is the least of canons for neglecting her. Have no hesitation In disposing of unprofitable cow. They are a mistake. mis-take. A concrete vat for the milk house ts sanitary, satisfactory and cheapest la the end. Sunlight and pleasant surroundings are great factors In stimulating large milk yields. The butter fat In milk Is very variable, va-riable, but Is Its most important and valuable constituent It will I noticed that though the re of other farm stock are failing off. the dairy cow still holdj her own. The cream separator I the most carefully adjusted piece of machinery on the farm and need 'attention accordingly. ac-cordingly. The cow should be fed o that he will produce a full flow of milk and n.slntaln practically the same flesh condition. Kansas has 98.000 milk cow according ac-cording to government statistics of January 1. 1912. belcg tti oiutb aUl la ti.1 respect |