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Show THE UTAH BUDGET "Utah Day," April 25. Is to be celebrated cele-brated In Bait Luke with a monster mass meeting at one of the theatres. Kvery business house in I'rovo was r lotted on Arlcr day and the merchants mer-chants Joined with the oilier citizens in cleaning up the city. Kvery effort is to be made to secure se-cure the I'nited States good roads roiwtriictloti train for the (od Roads convention to be held In Logan Juns 13, 14 and 15. The funeral of John L. Reynolds, the only white man to witness the historic Custer massacre and escape with his life, will b held In Salt I-jike on Monday. Sheep shearing began last week at the Man!! Steam Shearing & Dipping company's corrals at I'hristlanhurg. Seventy-five thousand head will be sheared at this place. The commencement exercises at the t'tah Agricultural college at Ixigan this year will be held from May 25 to 28. The speakers chosen for the occasion oc-casion will include Governor Spry. To learn what this state Is doing to promote farming, the two parties of I'ruguaynu experts and students who arrived In Salt Lake last week, are visiting different sections of the state this week. John K. ltrown, the wealthy stockman stock-man of Moab. will be Hied at Price In June for the murder of his son-in-law snd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Dubois, a change of venue having been granted. While walking along the main street of Logan. Dale Jenkins, u boy about 1H years of age, was struck by j a iHiard that fell from an upper story j window and his nose was nlmost sev-ered sev-ered from his face. The Illue bench residents nsr Du- j chesne will probably at last seeuni water. JoJin I. Now land, president of the My ton Canal and Irrigation company, com-pany, is negotiating with the homesteaders home-steaders to organize u company. It Is announced that work will begin be-gin sKn on the rad between My Ion and Price, and when finished It will be suitable for automobile travel. It Is said that the road could be put In fine condition with the expenditure of not to exceed $8,000. Edwin Dowden, a resident of Salt Lake for fifty years, died April 12, from apoplexy. Il was sixty-eight years old. Mr. Dowden crossed the plains and mountains to Utah in a covered wagon, and was a pioneer merchant of the state. So far this year the Weber county chools have been free from contagious contagi-ous diseases, according to County Physician J. W. Pideock. The county quarantine adopted this winter was tomewhat different from other years and more rigid than usual. The Cache County Fair association will benefit to the extent of 1 1,700 as the result of a special tax upon the people of the county. The commissioners commis-sioners of the county have voted to Impose the tax for exhibition purposes as permitted under the stale law. It has been decided by Dr. K. G. Cowans, superintendent of tne State ' Industrial School at Ogden, to put part of the 118-acre tract under cultivation. Four acres will be planted plant-ed in potatoes, fifteen acres will be prepared for grain and thirty acres for hay. Investigations are being made of charges that the farmers of American Fork and of Pleasant Grove have been Imposed upon by a firm which eold them seed potatoes that were supposed to be of Colorado Pearl variety, va-riety, but turned out to be smll, scrubby spuds. The board of health of I'rovo is preparing to make' a campaign for the establishment of a garbage district within the business district of the town, and to see that each business hou te takes care of all rubbish and ashes, so that they can be hauled away by the city. A bee sp'iial, (he first of Its nature ever to be run over a railroad in the world, left southern California Saturday Satur-day for Utah. It consists of nine cars each tarrying from finii lo 800 swarms. In all there are 5.00(1 swarm. Kach swarm contains from 50.000 to 75,000 bees. The Myton Commercial club li making a strenuous campaign for new members. The club has talw-n an op tlon on a building in the center of the town with a view to purchasing Poi'l. billiard and card tables are being In stalled and other amuse ments and so otat feature contemplated. Much interest Is belna taken b. the dairymen of Utah county In get ting the finest dairy stock tint can be purchased in the enuntrr, and a number of farmers and dairymen sr setidin est for thoroughbred stock. The Ulnh company, a $"..00(I,HOO j concern. Is the corporate name of th j company formed to take over fish coal properties and ojra!e s Inter urban railroad connecting th.- mtne with the Sail Lake Rome at Spanish Fork Mrs. Jennie Copon of Woods fro Is suffering from l' k Jsw. Abou' i two weeks ago !. a vaccinated and a day or so later r. t s 'ooth extra ex-tra ted, but the attending physician are unible to determine wither either of thene was the d rwt cause pf the attack Suddenly stricken while in Salt Lake to attend conference, Charles Wood, Sr. a prominent merchant of lloiden. Millard comfy, died on lb Ih. Mr. Wood til eighty-seven fears old The cause of death was genera! debility. |