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Show Mrs. Florence Pace Professional Midwife Graduate from York Road Lying in Hospital, London, England. DELTA . . UTAH Mt Bank of fflaata Dee a General Banking busiaest and solicits your patronage, iatarett Savings Collactient M4 May TraawssJUeal Aaywkere C O. W. PIERSON. CASHIER The Wright House Is the place te stop whea you oome to Hinckley. Next to PraM Bros, tore. Comfortable rooms, food meals and accommodation for teams. Hinckley : Utah C. A. Broaddus.MD. Physician and Surjcorv Occulist I)KNF,UKT-l to Hi a. m. niNCKLKY Afternoon at the Cash Irujf Store. I'llONKS AT HOTH OKFICKS S. W. Harder & Son We carry the Celebrated SUNFLOWER SHOE AH Mzct tt the lowwt pries Drew Work Shirts, Hals Underwear For Ms sod Boys Ladies furnbhed mtth everything from a hairpin to a Wedding dreu Leamington - Utah Verne Bartholomew VETERINARY SURGEON CaBs made lo ny part of the County Charges Reasonable Phone at Reeideaee Fillmore - Utah Ray & Greenwood LANDS EASTERN MILLARD a specialty We sail taptmd Farm, Dry Land, ef MoeMsJwd ReUaquUhmenla Fillmore, m 222 Judge Biddm Salt Lake City Delta Meat Market Came a full Km of Frenhand Cured MrnU Vegetables, Fruits, and Conned floods My trade is growing, but I am able to keep my customer! cus-tomer! supplied with all goods in my line Orders 17 Kail or Telephone Promptly FiDei mi Mirercd Win. Jenkins, Delta The Walker Hotel Comfortable Ilooms and Rood Meals for Travelers and Transient 9 tablet. Corrals and Feed for Teams OAK CITY ... UTAH Hinckley Meat Market and Grocery 1 carry a lull stock ot Fresh and Cured Meats Canned Goods Groceries and Vegetables Trade with me for I ran suit you with Iresb goods at reasonable prices Thos- W. Cropper Hinckley I Hotel F Delta ? Newly Built and Furnished Hath Room and Modern Conveniences B. E. COOPER & CO. DELTA BARBER SHOP IlemetnUr hoys there Is a Harlicr Shop in town. First Class Work. One block Fast of Delta Hotel. (live ti a Call. T.C. Gronning j Black5mith j and Machincst j I repair all kinds of Fsrm Implement!, Machinery, Scrapers, Enginei, 1 j Boiler, etc. 1 Bring in yout work and I guarantee lo make I good job of it. I DELTA . UTAH j L. R. CROPPER Only Barber on th.West Side Call around and let me bin up that neglected crop of hair and harveil a lew buihrli of whiikm Open Friday sfterfloos and all day Saturday ... HINCKLEY - UTAH N. E. LEWIS Expert Harness Maker Has opened a shop at Hinckley and can furnish you Hand-made Harness Bridles, etc. Saddles and other leather poods kept in stock. .. Harness and shoes repaired. HINCKLEY ... UTAH U.S. BishOp DELTA, Real Estate Co. UTAH Buys and sells Farm Property and City Lots. If you have Real Estate to sell, list it with us and get results. re-sults. If you want to buy, send for cur bargain list of propositions. Anything you want. Delta Livery, Feed and Sale Stable I have first-class rigi for hire for hire with or without driven Baled Hay and Grain for Sale A. B. WARD, DOLT A E. J. Whicker Well Drilling Now Is the time to have that well put down. I have a new (gasoline engine and can do your work In quick order. No water, no pay. DELTA. UTAH The Chronicle News Stand deceives Regularly "" The Salt Lake Dailies y !V'u rey's Everybody's American Magazine f Railroad Man's Mag. 11 Red Book t Popular Mechanics The Oullnrk Ccilicis V. cekly Blue Book I ' Pacific Mcnthly 1 McClure's " Woman's Home Comp. And many other Magazines. I can I get you any Periodical or Book printed. See rr.y fancy stationery. station-ery. The only conplete New Stand in the County. N. B, Dresser |