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Show I 1 The New l 1 Delta Drug Store Is now open for business ami stocked with a complete line of Medicines and Drus, Confectionery, Cigars, Stationery, Ktc. Prescriptions carefully compounded. milestone, Formaldehyde uini Strychnine for farm wsts. We btte I ho most complete stock of troods in the county, and what we have not got we will promptly order. Calls for plijsiciau promptly attended to. Dr. W. VV. Stockham, Delta C. W. WATTS. President MILTON MOODY. Secretary C. W. CKOrTER.. Vice-Prt sUent J. W. WILLIAMSON. Cn. Manager UYa "Real Estate and Lit)e Stock. Co. , We handle deeded and state lands, improved and unimproved Lrtns, ciiy lots and live stock. Our long; acquaintance in Milljrd County and extensive connections enable us to offer bargains to the home scrker and suit him with any kind of property he wants. A- A- A. We solicit correspondence. Headquarters, Delta. Branch office, Culten Hold, Salt Lake ","""WSSWSSSS1BSSWSSBS Let us Figure on Your Lumber Bill We can Save you Money BAKER LUMBER COMPANY Delta '. Oasis A. L. Bailey J. E. Work. r t i Hub Mercantile & Produce Co. I We c:ry the celebrated f T I Kingman Parm Implements, Millburn Wagons, : t And evtrything for the Farm I , Let us stock you up wilh Groceries 1 f X John E. Steele DELTA x Utah Seeds b For Utah People J I OR TWMNTY YEARS we have aimrd lo supply Ih KigrV J S e! qual.ly of Seed,. Our BIG CATALOGUE lells all about 2 the lirM wrdi money tan buy. A jxta! card will bring k- 0 Bellet write llial folal today. ' X jvojjelcr Seed Co. SALTEC,TYj "Tl superioritvS -T-bP revealed Vr ''?Qv Interlocking Bowl l ''M U. S. Cream Separator j S" Thia bowl ditribuU the incoming milk " j frAfcBE etywy tyW the cream walL It inUn- j -Vl'-V ifir nd prolong the centrifugal - 12" action. It afforlt a ;rrrW jxith for I. J' pn'ljri 1 the rram arti l . It (fivea practically duuhU 1 "It" J - ',mn""f Mra of other bowl. It i I 'Jr I4 V quickly an J coaiy cleaned, mmt mnxlary and Jr jX? Ok very dural'lc For Cr M imtning the IT jl'y ''iZ'C VN- u- s- bolu thl w"rlJ' Kreord- ?ft "i5kV aSk. TJ''4' q":,', writ your yyr SOLD BY HINCKLEY CO-OP. HINCKLE Y 1 1 1 1 i A. D. RYAN. C. E. James Alex. Melville Surveying-Mapping Attorney-at-Uw Pkw (tauM tiara DELTA - UTAH DHSKKKT ... UTAH Salt LU Olflcw 924 Bii P:a |