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Show PROGRAMS FOR OBSERVANCE CF"littH DAY" ANNOUNCED i Exercl.. Calculated to Oocst the Use of Home Produc's to be Held In Every Commun.ty. SiiKL-p-tlve xr"Ki'aniM fur the o!-se-rvatice or I'tili Hay, as .i i a-ed ly the special I t ill Iiay c iniuiil tee and approved by Hi.. c'vernor mid the male Hit ; ri it t :i l ' ri t of public In-strtii In-strtii !i,Mi. n til l.y t !: Imaid or i;t-n"r i;t-n"r of tlu I I , id I . vi loi;in-nt r. :i will In' rnrri-d ,it In every cily ami (own of tint .-tuto mi April 2.1. l'.i 1 2. Tlii" proKianiH tin1 ns fnllow-i: Afternoon Utah Day, April 25. 1. Kiinc 'Tt.th Wo I.ove "Pice." 2. Address hy oT,r;il or itchool, cx-plainiiii; cx-plainiiii; purport t of I l.lt Hay. 3. "What ( i;. .ii tiilllfH-H I t til (r. for to Yimi't; People," pii.o c ay by boy pupl'. 4. "What Can do to Improv Our Own Town." by mayor or president presi-dent or Common lal dub. f- "What I'tnh Hay Mentis to Me," prize essay by r pupil. ti. "What t !. I'tah I leve'opuient League Can Accomplish." by I'tah Development la-uin- representative. 7. Closing song, "America." Program for Evening of Utah Day. Cutler auspices of Local Coniiner-rial Coniiner-rial Cliilm. All music lo Ik1 arranged locally. 1. "Purposes of llah Day" by miiyor or president of Commercial club. 2. "What Can We do to Improve Our Own Town." to bo assigned locally. lo-cally. 3. "What Co-operative Effort 4 Have Accomplished In other Coin-tiiunltles," Coin-tiiunltles," to bo assigned locally, material ma-terial to lo fiirnlHlit'd by secretary. 4. "Why Ctah Should Hank Kir'. Anion the Western Slates," to be assigned locally. 5. "What tin- I'tah Development League l Doing for I'tah." representative repre-sentative of Itali Development League, to be assigned. C. CloKUig song, "America. " It In suggested that each speech bo llmlled to 15 minutes. |