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Show BARN FOR SWINE AND SHEEP Illustrations Show How Missouri Farmer Changed 8mal Building Into In-to Commodious Structure. The accompanying Illustrations show bow a Missouri farmer solved the problem of changing a small barn Into a commodious structure for feeding feed-ing sheep and bogs. While there is , nothing very complicated or out of the ordinary In this building it will perhaps help some one who contemplates contem-plates a change in bis live stock, says the IIomcHtead. In this purtlcular Instance In-stance It has been decided to change from steers to bogs and sheep and to VlMlli2; fi ca3T"l ( rasa V -' Combined Hog and Sheep Barn. do so required a building In which to feed them. The old barn formerly used for storing bay a part of the season and for a cattle shelter the remaining re-maining time had the two sheds added add-ed on either side as shown In tbe exterior ex-terior view and the floor plan. The old building was divided Into corn cribs, feed room, grain room. etc. The heds were arranged as shown on the floor plan, one side for hogs and the sther side for sheep, the loft holding tho rougb feed for the sheep. In building the barn and Installing the Interior partitions, racks, troughs, etc., everything was so constructed that In case a second change was made necessary by the ever fluctuating fluctuat-ing price of live stock tbe interior arrangement ar-rangement could be rearranged at a minimum cost. |