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Show IN AND AROUND DELTA He Week's News from the Coming Metropolis The National Trust & Savings Co. have leased the Hotel Delta and will call it the Delta Club. W. C. Van Rergen Is managing It for them and they expect to devote It exclusively to the entertainment of vlrtitlng land buyers. They wiil rearrange It and put In new furnisfiiiigs. The first motorcycle bus made its appearance in Delta. It Is owned by A. N. Koxenhaum. When the roads are not muddy they are Ideal for a motorcycle. The machine got a little lit-tle fractious on lis first trip and threw the rider off, but with no serious se-rious damage to rider or machine. Delta Is to have water works. A company Is being organized with a capital of $."),0(H) divided Into .".() shares of $100 each. The subscription list Is now being circulated and a good many shares have been sold. The water will be supplied from drive wells with a large cistern. A live horsepower gasoline engine will elevate ele-vate the water Into a 3,000 gallon tank from which It will be carried by gravity grav-ity In pipes to the patrons. It will be a great thing for the tow n. Next Friday afternoon a number of the Indian War Veterans will visit the schools at Delta, and entertain the pupils and as many of the older people peo-ple as care to attend. Friday night the Nephl Hand will furnish uiuslc for a dance at Amusement Amuse-ment Hall. Come out If you want to dance to good music. The Chronicle seems to stand pret-tty pret-tty well In this community. Not a day passes but we get from one to four new subscribers. This encourages encour-ages the editor to continue to make it one of the best county papers In the slate. Lewis Koch started In this week maklmfjil&nequalled cement blocks customers. No 'more handsome or durable material can be found for ' buildings, nnd Mr. Koch will find 1 plenty of demand for his blocks this ' season. ' The Utah Glazed Cement company ' il making enquiries with a view of 1 locating In Delta. There ought to be a good opening here for such an es- ' tabltshment. 1 it. J. Law is calling attention this 1 week to his line of men's work shirts 1 and summer underwear w hich can't be beat for price or quality. He Is sell- 1 Ing men's waist overalls for 80c and ' bib overalls for Hoc. He also has In a 1 new line of shoes for men, women and ' children, that are attractive In price and quality. If you call In Miss 1 Munns, who Is now behind the conn- ' ter, will show you the new line of 1 ribbons. Iji groceries be still leads them all. 8 The new postofflce boxes are now in 0 and we have the most up-to-date office d In the county. The new postmaster c and his assistants have not yet got ' thoroughly on to the business, so don't J get huffy If a few mistakes occur at first. With the best post office in the r county, the best and largest hotel and h best depot I)elta is coming Into her up. ' How about those improvements to "lark street? Isn't It time they were started? l' Prof. Moslah Halland and Prln. J. Frunk Day, have been holding meet- " Ings throughout the county urging c the people to vote for the high school 1 at Fillmore. Their efforts have re- 11 suited in much good for their cause. " A good deal of our space this week '' is taken up with the discussion of the " High School question, which we think Is an Important one. a |