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Show j AMONG THE POLITICIANS I Nothing has proved so interesting to tho 1 local Democracy as the announcement that tho National party Is to have an unusually largo campaign fund this yexr Thern may not be Democrats Intoxi- sspecisliy cat from the gX ahout ttt Campaign BarraL local lug sw 1ft on the announcement. an-nouncement. Is none the less noteworthy. Samuel Newhouse started the ball rolling roll-ing with a handsome contribution to the Young Men's Democratic c!ub. and the movement was given especial Impetus when National Committeeman Peary tale-graphed tale-graphed from St. Lotus that he bad re- iv. ,1 assurancea of "Just and liberal reward for the faithful. Now, every Democrat from Chairman Frank J. Cannon to Councilman Ferns-trOBO Ferns-trOBO has Joined in a movement that will SMUTS for them a snug place in the 'faithful' list Thev are tearing up tho turf In an effort to make a local showing show-ing and It Is to their credit to say that they have not been unsuccessful, thus far. The reoort that the wealthy ! 1 mm. v ho has a place on the National ticket, had contributed to the campaign fund a million dollars ha pat plt.k In the.h.k of many a memher of 'he army of the ' faithful " And the glnper It has Iniected ir. to a decrepit old parly of fraud and false pretenso Is Interesting to observe. The leaders are stepping around as though thev really had hopes for success. suc-cess. They admit privately that there 3 no chance for the Democracy in Utah, but i-verv mother's son of them wants to .. 1 uAn.ln l...ll.. 11.. IVIliK to point to hl .forts as a recommendation recommenda-tion to him In the distribution of the rewards re-wards he feela will be won through the efforts of the Democrats of the East. Most every Democrat says he believes Parker will be the next iTcsidcnt. but not through the votes of I'tah. Ask one of these to specify to show how- Parker can win he will whisper ihat "the trusts arc with us this year and we will have the stuff to arry enough 0l the doubtful Statea to win." The whole secret of the enthusiasm Is the dairy of a great campaign fund. The thought of winning on the merits of the candidates or the platform never occurs oc-curs to elth.-r of th- se The enthusiasm Is all thought out on tbe possibilities of the slush fund. From the exuberance of Sam New house's starter, down through Henry Pcerv's pledge to Baron Davis's barrel, the tcmocracv of Utah has become be-come Intoxicated with hope. But the Mane nun of the State feel that on the morning following the election, these hopeful spirits will awako to find that it was all a pipe dream. M n who have bad to do with Important plans of a campaign, do not give value Id the reports of a large fund being In sight or In hand thus earl They know that If it were true that the Democracy w . c to have a great Political Manngersf'in.i the leaders Do "Not Talk of would nol be so tool- Plenteous Funds. fact to leak out. If it did leak out, they know th it It would not be long until life would be made a burden to every member mem-ber of the disbursing commlttoe. When the existence of a great cam-palKn cam-palKn fund Is known every' grafter In every voting district in the country plans a raid, lie will hatch up every conceivable con-ceivable scheme that may enable him to extract a share of the fund. Nothing hi this world will make a man, who Is bent on capturing political funds, so resource, ful or so cunning as the knowledgo that ouch a fund Is In existence. What campaign managers are moro likely to do than to permit It to be known that' the nr. ' Mush" Is to exaggerate their cramped condition. They would rather be attacked by the furies than the grafter. They do not care a fig to lie alxiut a shortage. That would be only one of the incidents of the eampain manager's life. But to say that there Is or will be an abundance of funds Is the most uproariously ridiculous thing a really shrewd politician can Imagine Davis may contribute a fortune to the Democratic committee. That Is not at ill unlikely. But he has not done so already tor the gooi reason that the committee has not organized. The story was doubtless set afloat by Republicans to tantalise the famishing snemv. No material change Is Witnessed in the. Gubernatorial contest. The threo candidates candi-dates appear to the unblaseel observer as b. lng n. ck and neck. Friends to Mr. Cutler, who have been working the out-sldo out-sldo counties for a week, are expected -to make a report the Ia6t of the week. Secretary Hammond Is In dally communication communi-cation with his supporters, in person, by telephone and by the malls, and says he Is gratified at the outlook. Governor Wells has taken his candidacy in band and is said to be making satisfactory progress. Republicans generally, are pleased because be-cause of thn absence of bitterness. It is r.ot believed the contest win bet ome an acrimonious one In any particular. Joseph A. Smith of Providence, one of Ccche county's best known and most popular Republicans, was In the city Monday. He feels that Cache county will make a good showing for the Republicans In November. a . Salt Lake's Democratic women are to t;ike pos.cslon of the Young Men's Dem-oi Dem-oi ratio club headquarters In the Atlns block tomorrow afternoon to attend tci somu Important business. Three of Iron county's best-known rltl-zn rltl-zn are candidates for Representatives to the Legislature. They are Joseph S. Perry of Kanarra, Thomas J. Jones and R. V Heyborne of Cedar City. The probability Is that John Parry of Cedar City will be nominated for lb pr. -sentatlve by the Democrats Hon. E. H. R an Is Iron OOUnty Republican's Repub-lican's candidate for the nomination for District Attorney. He la a popular party v rker and would make a great light, his friends say. for election. s Former Slate Auditor Morgan Richards or '.lar City. Ir..n county, It In reported will bo a candidate for the Republican nomination for Secretary of Stat.- He is well known In Utah and it Is bell. v.. 1 would have a strong following should ho enter the race. The Fifth district Judicial convention will be held at Nephl on Tucadoy, August 20. at 11 o'clock. The conventlo'n will b composed of forty-one delegates. Tho ap- Fifth District count follows: Convention ?0lvcr:. 8 votes. nt -kt.vi,i Juab. 13 votes; Mll- w aahlngton, G votes. The convention promises to bo an Interesting In-teresting one and the prospects for a Republican victory have brought out several sev-eral candidates who are making a thorough thor-ough canvass of the district for the nomination. nom-ination. W. F. Knox of Beaver and Nicholas Nich-olas A. Robinson of Eureka are candidates candi-dates for Judge. The candidates for E'ls-trlct E'ls-trlct Attorney are: Jamts A. Melville of Millard. Georgxs B. Greenwood of Beaver B H. Ran of iron and Oebrge A. Udslj of Juab. Owen Grover of Wah Wan. Beaver count. Is s-.klnsr the Dcmot-ratlr nomination nomi-nation for Representative to the Legislature. Legisla-ture. Chairman S' W t ,.k e.f ll.aver .. Hints Hin-ts says the selection of delegates to the State nnd Judicial conventions has bw d left to the Ri publicans of the several precincts pre-cincts and that all will be named prior to August 15. "The Republican partv In Beaver county has made largo gains " said Chairman Cook, "and we expect god a. tj Titles for all our candidate next fall " At laat reports received at Democratic headquarters, the appeal to voters sent out bv the executive commute.. ja,t wefc had caused no sensation. San Juan county coun-ty has not been heard from, however The Fourth district Republican Judicial eon van Una win be held at Provo at u o clock August 24. Judgr- Booth will be re-nemlnated. re-nemlnated. Socialists are considering the matter of making a slgorotts campaign In (Jtnlatl county. Some of the leaders believe that is a fruitful Held for propagating tho doctrine doc-trine of Socialism. Democratic State rnrr.mrrteerr.an harles D Adams, a prominent wool grower of Parowan. says he will vote to h the D'm. . ratlc Slate convention at Salt ioKo , 1(J always, pt,. favors September Sep-tember 2 or 9. Christian Peterson, a well-known Republican Re-publican of Sanpete count . observed Pioneers' Pio-neers' day In Salt Lata Cj jar City Record. The following communication com-munication from J A. Melville, one of the Republican candidates for District Attorney. Attor-ney. . will ixplaln hlmnelf. We gladly make ro.-m for It: ' FILLMORE CITY. Ftuh. July 19. 1901. Editor Iron County Record. Mv attention atten-tion was called to an article which ap-jie.u-i'd In your paper recently wherein It N latvl r, .ufistane.. t,;,t n Juh.ia Qreenwood is nominated for the position of District Judge on t.h. I nun ratlc tl.Je. t find Abx Melville Is nominated f..r tho position of District Atlornev on the Republican Re-publican ticket, they have formed a political combination to trade vote nnd thus promote their election. ' "I desire to state that you have been misinformed. We have never, by ourselves or by agent, nt any time or plaOS. or at all. directly or Indirectly mole such a combination, or anv combination at all. W ' 111'.. Hot .Its. I1SS, ,1 nol II If. T..r -. I. , .. two years. Yours truly, "J. A. MELVILLi;." Senator Falrhanks's successor will most pr.,babl bo Congressman James a. Hemenway, chairman of the Appropriations Appropria-tions committee Tho first contest for the Republican Vice-Presidential nominee's Senatorial toe., Wrts fought out nt Indianapolis Indian-apolis List week when the nine legislative candidates were selected District Attorney j0e Kealing, who Is Senator Falrlanks's campaign manager and nno of the cleverest of Indiana's political po-litical leaders, had charge of Congressman Congress-man Hemenway's Interests. He was opposed op-posed by National Committeeman Harry Ne w s friends and bv Gov. Durbln s machine, ma-chine, but his slate went through without a break. Healing's attltudo commits Senator Fairbanks and Indicates that he has chosen Hemenway as his SUCCeSSOr They have been steadfast friends for 'years One feature of tin. contest Is the fact that both the Fairbanks and Reverl.lije factions fac-tions worked together In landing the Hemenway slate. J. R Fdgh.-ill of Nephl. the well-known Republican and woolman is In the city and corroborates the good news that has COmi from Juab county of Republican gains. It is my best Judgment,'' said Mr l-.dghelll -that Hi- Republic in ticket will receive a majority in Juab this year. The party Is harmonious and so manv good men are offering for places on the local and legislative tickets that 1 real we win have a ticket that we can win out with Roosevelt Is doubtlessly very popular In our county." Mr. Bdghelll says the prominent Repuh-h. Repuh-h. ans in 1, tlo,,. d for the L ,- .ialur. iVom Juab eount are: Mayor James D Stack and G J. Henrlod of Eureka. J. A. Hyds and Isaac H. Grace of Nephl. "Nepbites are hot after several of the county out, c.v s.,, Mr ,. ,,, .. ,k t-olcman and Hiram Burton want to bo County Clerk. Roy Cowan and Lawrence BUi kett are aft. r the Berordcrshlp E H. Sparks would like to be the next Sher-Ift. Sher-Ift. and Henry Adams and T L. Foote are candidates for County Attorney." Rudolph Kuchler was down from Oadon Monday. He sayR that while there t some friction In the panv In Olden due to the crintnet fr . ... I . l ' . zr . .r , .v. en "i inn nomina tions, there h n.i doubt ih.it the Republicans Republi-cans will rally to tbolr nominees and return re-turn a good majority. hAitirj?Xii?nn,E' Ba1 ot Ogden will be a candidate for the Republican nomination nom-ination for Attorney-General Mayor William Glasmann hns left nK. den for a few days breathing spell The politics of the Junction City has been un- M?1 h' E,"U:UB thf tWO weeks, and the Mayor is, said to have felt Juded. QrPiaf.rlCt .ttorn',y Bf-p-"?r X, Smith Is spending the week in Yellowstone park. for the election of a United Slates Senat 'nr cn.J,,tah .to. 8UC Senator Kearns. the sentiment 9 gmwlng dally stronger In favor of the idea of having him succeed suc-ceed himself. This feeling is not confined to airy one section of the State but Is common to all sections. Where the Senator Sen-ator had two supporterr. three years atro h. now has three He will have i,,ong opposition op-position Of this there cannot ha any doubt at present, but his chanoes are growing brighter and It will take a vary strong combination of circumstances to defeat him for the position. In the face of what he has accomplish. -d durlne th.i few years he, has been Senator, the ridicule ridi-cule of a few little minds Is havlne eon Uantly less weight with the p. ..pie in general and It rn:i act as a boomerazm to those in whoBe Interests It is being kept |