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Show l Out of Town Politics I "--f -f 4- 4- f Doing Things in Sevier. Special to The Tribune. RICHFIELD. July 2o.-Tho public announcement an-nouncement of Oov. Wells, consenting to r,hfr hnda usinB Kh.ta namp ln Mnnsction , : ''"' "-'""b Kuo- rnator a c.,-,,Sr c.,-,,Sr haJjfd With delight In this sad. tlon. where his admirers are legion There may be faithful followers of CuUer an j advocates of Hammond's cause In theio parts but they are keeping stll The JriASS o'Ksrhan 'Wav down here in the alfalfa" as -ne prominent Republican put It ' VJ.. don t pay much attention to the dictators wc are not posted on the little factional' suuabbl... -hut dr.,.,.. th, par,, , , , and we do not know the candldWtM picked up by each faction as weapons to cudgel tho others. We do know fjov w eiis us a cltlssn and as chie f Executive, Execu-tive, unci he suits us. The big howl about the third term business ud as u catchword by the Opposing factions cuts no Ice with us. The public officer Is tho public servant, and just like the nrl ate servant., all thlnt;H bebig .oual th., longer his training hTrvlcethTaTaatE Ids efflclncy In this case all things nr., more than equal beicause the most particular par-ticular havo no kick coming on the ...1 ministration of Gov. Wells 1 o eiuarrel with Seer. tr-. Hamn.oraj . has been a good Secretary and la a good man Cutler would probably bv a goo. Governor, because he Is a successful buil-riess buil-riess man The fuel Ihjt h. ist Uu- L-i 'bv the State chairman and tho Junior Senator Sena-tor would not necessarily prove his n. capaclty for thj office. But to oust Walla "Imply because he has falthlulU .,tl. ,,'. mlrably served his State for two tenna would be tantamount to a railroad firlrur a goixl and uble. conductoi onlv be.-aue ha had capably Ailed his position for ten years, and th.- brakemen should ha- a show The railroad would be sacrincinir Its own Interests on rhe altar of a doot business sentiment, and tbt Is what ths Stats would do m firing their present conductor for a brakeman or a possrn- Harry Mills, a prominent business Bru1 mining man of Slarynvala snd an active Republican, visits Richfield frtsndT r2 cently and talked some politics Hasald curried solidly for the Republican party for the Am tlm.i two years ago win again be found on the right slda this 1 year. He says Sutherland-Kearns de. bates are common In I'luto ami thnt each tf the party leaders has manv friends thera, but that Mr Sutherland seems to have lost some prestige by his alliance with the State chairman and the "I'tah county push.'" as he dubbed it. Flute county, according to Mr. Mills, will probably prob-ably Instruct Its State delegation for James Christiansen for State Treasurer. Willis Johnson. ' according to his Judgment, Judg-ment, will be nominated State Senator from the Tenth district. The possible nominees e.f the Sevjer OOUnty Republican fonventlon are much dlscuased. They are- 11 pr ent.iti. a R Hawiey of tnver. rury. Bishop James S. Jens, n of Sallna and Charles Jensen of Redmond. L'p to date Mr. Hawiey, the incumbent, appears to lead. Commissioners A. C. Snipp of Jo?eph City, Fernando Erlckson of Monroe, and soma one not jet named to come from Vermilion Clerk- John Jorgensen of Richfiold. Pnr-ley Pnr-ley Magleby of Monroe anl fi'-orge i'a6tro of Sallna Mr. Jorgensen, who Is now serving his second term, seems at this writing to have th hanell. ip Attorney fWirxe T. Bean of Richfield and J. U. Coombs of Sallna. Bean has daylight the start Sheriff M A Abhott of Annab.lla. S. G. .'lark of Rlehfleld, Thomas Ransom of Monroe and Renhalt Madsen of Sallna. Recorder Mrs. II J Hansen of Richfield, Rich-field, Mrs, Lvdla Cowley of Glen wood. Mrs Matilda Daltou of RlcbAeld and Mis;, Emma Chrlstensen of Rlehfleld. Treasurer J. M I.auritzen of Rlehfleld and Lawrence Klrkman of Klalnore. Mr Laurltsan Is the Incumbent and is serving his second term. Assessor Alma Frauds. -n e.f Elslnore and P. C. Scnrup of Sallna. Superintendent P. D. Jensen of Monroe. Sevier county will be well fixed with campaign music this year. Irof. G. Ji. Jones of Rlchtleld has In training a quartette quar-tette of little girls who are hard to l e u They have been In practice for several months and can turn off s campaign ditty in nianu luim rrui. jones aioo nns in sight a male quartstts that will bo s hummer. hum-mer. The basse profundo is the famous W'lllard Andelln ef Provo. Th 11 there Is an excellent male Quartette ut Monroe, whom H. E. IJsonbee, the committeeman of that precinct, prumbes to preps into service. It Is headed by Thomas Ransom, Ran-som, one of the finest te-nors In I'tah. who only recently abandoned the Democratic party and vowed allegiance to the O. O. P. These quartettes will make their respective re-spective debuts at the Senatorial convention conven-tion and county convention ln Rlchlleld, August 27 and September 8. |