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Show BIEHL'S BAR. I Oh, Mulvoy, dear, and did yo hear Tho most distrcsthful noos? They're plnchln' all your barkceps now. For sellln' Sunday booxe. 1 On Second South. Commercial street. And all on flown the line, For saving lives of thirsty souls They'll pay a monstrous line. sum 01 ineso same mirsiv sows W'lio can't hero tell their nnnic. l-or that you are so sore oporcst. They think It Is a shame. ' Who arc tho Blue Laws' authors?' To whom do they ilrst como Whene'er they want subscriptions'.' Right to tho Hquce of Rum. So Mulvey, dear, now- don't you fear T ho boo.c will be cut out. And noxt time I pnss by your place-Why, place-Why, Ifs your turn to shout. The cases of tho throe bartenders who were arrested for Billing liquor on Sunday worc continued, Fred Wood, who was charged with trespass tres-pass In that he slept In a room In tho Miller hotel without pay or permission, told a very different tale from Fred Price, tho landlord. He maintained that tho latter lat-ter had-offered him work and allowed him to sleep In the room. His steadfast contradiction con-tradiction of Mr. Price"3 evidence caused his Honor to have gravo doubts as to his sanity. Five days In Jail may turn his head back again. Forty-nine caso.-j wero on the docket when tho Judge took his sea; at 2 o'clock yesterday. Many of the cases wero Sunday Sun-day drunks. Harvey Scole. a cheerful son of Anak, wus one of these, and was un-rortunato un-rortunato In that ho got drunk on Saturday Sat-urday night and was arrested two hours aft?r midnight. "Please, yer Honor, wo started homj nt 11 o'clock, but we fen bv th wayside." ' 3 "Five dollars.'" ' . John Anderson, my Jo, John, When ilrst you came to court lour mien was young and gullele5j3 And your dismissal brought. But a Sunday drunk. John Anderson. Is one we can t forgive, 00 we rope in live dollars, To hClp the city Hye. w a Percy Potcrson. the hackdriver. who was charged with burglary and hold in Jail ever since Sunday morninp found yesterday when ho camo hit" court that ho noma have to wait another day for another complaint to bo filed, it waa found that the facts in tho caac did not justify any such charge as burglary as a v John Whltmaker. who was charged with having stolen a bicycle beloncinir to Fr nest MacHahn. mado a strons plVto tho compla 11 ng witness to let him off", but th2 latter did not sen It that way The bov was very much distressed and offered to make It right,'- even though ho don led 1 hou'Srh" H01 H.,lhe W,lco1- 'mlns that 'ho vhoment aS was takcn ,,,,(lor |