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Show NATIONAL LEAGUE. Standing of tho Clubs. P. W. L. PC. New York 82 53 21 .707 Chicago S2 CL' 31 .022 Cincinnati SO 52 31 ,CVj Pittsburg 7iJ 10 30 ."05 St. Louis 78 as 10 -1ST Brooklyn 77 32 -!3 .Ufi Boston , SS 20 f.J .3."0 Philadelphia SI 'iZ VJ .272 Yesterday's Gnmca. '' Pittsburg, 1; St. Louis, G. Boston, 7; Philadelphia, 8. Brooklyn-New York gnmo postponed; 1 wet grounds. Chicago, 3; Cincinnati, 1. Today's Games. Cincinnati at Chlcairo. St. Louie at Pittsburg. Pittsburg, 1; St. Louis, 6. . PITTSBURG. July 2C, St. Louis won' th) gamo in thn ilrst Inning by hitting Leevor hard and with tho assistance of two error. Taylor wus a puzzle that PlttBburg could not solve, except In tho fourth. Attendance, KJ0. Score: R. 11. R. Pittsburg 000 100 000 1 S 2 St. Louis 102 000 000 G 12 I Batterlo.s leaver, Miller and Smith; Taylor and Orady. Two-baso hits, Sabring, Farre.ll, Bruin. Three-base hlls. Kltchey, Smoot.- Bases on balls, ofT Allllor 3, oft Taylor 1. Struck out. by Loovor 1, by Miller 2, by Taylor 1. Umpire, Emslle. Chicago, 3; Cincinnati, 1. CHICAGO. July 20. Today's gamo was a pitchers' battle, which Chlcaco won In the fifth Inning 011 two singles, Seymour's errors and a long fly. ('apt. Kolley scored Cincinnati s run on his double to loft field and CSrcoran's duplicate for tvi'o bases to dcop right. Attendance, 2000. Score: R. II. E. Chicago 100 020 00 3 6 1 Cincinnati 010 000 000 1 4 2 Batteries Wlcken and Kilns; F.wlng and Sohlol. Two-base hits, Corcoran, Odwcll, Kolley. Kol-ley. Three-base hit,. McCarthy. Struck out, by Wlcken 2, by Kwlng 3. Bases on balls, off Ewlng 1. Umpires, Johnstone and Moran. Boston, 7; Philadelphia, 8. BOSTON. July 20. A small crowd saw an old-fashioned free hlttlnK game today. Duggloby wos iv tired In the fourth inning. in-ning. Stops ,by rtaymer and AVolverton and Thomas's stick work wore features. Attendance, 150. Score: R. II. E. Philadelphia 100 021 010 S IS 4 Boston 011 202 010 7 14 1 Batteries Dugglcby, Suthoff and Roth; Wlllb? and Moran. Two-baso hits. Tonncy, Abbatlehlo, Doyle. Roth. Thomas. Bases on balls, off Duggleby 1, oft Suthoff I, off Willis 2. Struck out. by Willis 8, by Suthoff 2. Umpires, Um-pires, Dooln and Wilhelm. |