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Show 7 PEOBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Consult County Clertr or th? respectlva signers for further information. IN THE DISTRICT COURT. PRO-batc PRO-batc division, in and for Salt Lake county, State of Utah. In tho matter of tho estate of Margery A. Aldrich, deceased. Notice. The petition of Zlnn Martin, administratrix administra-trix of the ostate of Margery A. AldrlCh, deceased, for confirmation of the sale of the following described real estato of said decedent, to wit: Lot 7, in block 1, amended amend-ed plat of Linden Park subdivision of lot 11. block 21. fivc-acro plat "A." Big Field survey, Salt Lake county, Utah; also lot 8, In said block 1 of amended plat of Linden Lin-den Park subdivision, nnd also beginning 1 rod west of the northeast corner of lot 4. block 19. pint "F," Salt Lake City survey. sur-vey. In Salt Lake county, Utah, nnd running run-ning thenco soutli 20 rods; thence cast 6M1 rods, thence north 20 rods; thence west rods to the place of beginning, being the west GJ rods of lot 3 and the east 1 rod of lot t ojf 5aid block 19. containing 130 sfiuare rods of ground, and being subject to an JS00.00 mortgage, constituting a first Hen on same, for the sum of J10O7.CO, and upon the following terms, to wit: Cash upon confirmation, as appears from the return of sale, filed In this court, has been set for hearing on Friday, the 29th day of July. A. D. 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., at tho county courthouse. In the courtroom of said court. In Salt Lake City, Salt Lako county, Ulah, Witness the Clerk of said court, with the seal thereof affixed, this ISth day of July, A. D. 1WJ. (Seal.) JOHN JAMES. Clerk. Hy David B. Davicc, Deputy Clerk. W. M. Bradley, Attorney for Estate. m yl444 IN THE DISTRICT COURT. PRO-bats PRO-bats division, in and for Salt Lake county, coun-ty, State of Utah. In tho matter of tho estate of William T. Dalby, deceased. Notice. . Tho petition of Frcdcrlca. M. Dalby, executrix ex-ecutrix of the estate of William T. Dalby. deceased, praying for the settlement of final account of said executrix and for tho distribution of tho residue of said estato to tho persons entitled, has been set for hearing on Friday, the 5th day of August, A. D. 1901, at 10 o'clock a. m., at tho county courfhoutso in tho courtroom of said court, in Salt Lako City, Salt Lake county. Utah. 0 Witness the clerk of said court, with the seal thereof affixed, this 20th day of July, A. D. 1991. JOHN JAMES, Seal . Clerk. By David B. Davies, Deputy Clerk. Lawrence & Shoup, Attorneys for Estate. Es-tate. yl57-l IN THE DISTRICT COURT. PRO- 1 bate division, in and for Salt Lake county, ' Stale of Utah. In the matter of tho estate and guardianship of Edward P. Ferry, an Incompetent. Notice. The petition of William Montaguo Ferry and Edward Stewart Ferry, tho guardians of the person and the estato of Edward P. Ferry, an Incompetent, for confirmation of sale of the following described de-scribed real estate, to wit: Lot thirty (30), block ten (10). Park City townslle, for the sum of J22S.00 and upon the following terms, to wit: Cash upon confirmation, as appears from tho return of sale, filed in this court, haa been set for hearing on Friday', tho 23th day of July. A. D. 1901. at ten o'clock a. m., at the county courthouse. court-house. In the courtroom of said court. In Snlt Lake City. Salt Lake county. Utah. Witness the Clerk of eald court, with iho seal thereof affixed, thlB ISth day of July, A. D.190I. (Seal.) JOHN JAMES. Clerk. By David B. Davlcs. Deputy Clerk. Richards & Ferry, Attorneys for Guardians. ' yl-345 i IN THE DISTRICT COURT. PRO-bato PRO-bato Division, In and for Salt, Lako County. State of Utah. ' In the matter of the estate of Sarah Field Sprv, deceased. Notice. Tho cross petition of Lydla Spry, objecting ob-jecting to the settlement of finnl account of said tho administrator of the ;state of Sarah Field Spry, deceased, has been set for hearing on Friday, the 29th day of July. A. D.. 1901. at 10 o'clock a. m.. ut tho County courthouse in tho courtroom of said court. In 3alt Lako City, Salt Lake county, Utah. Witness the Clerk of said court, with the seal thereof affixed thia ISth day of July. A. D. 190L (Seal.) JOHN JAMES. Clerk. By David B. Davies. Deputy Clerk. A. A. Duncan, Attorney for Potltloncr. y!7 |