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Show CALLED ON PRESIDENT. Senator Millard nnd M. H. DeYoung Visitors at Oyster Bay. OYSTER BAA'. L. I., July 3.-Included among President Roosevelt's callers yesterday yes-terday were United States Senator .Millard of Nebraska and M. II. DeYoung of San Francisco. Tho President will leave for AVoshlngton on Thursday to remain until August 20, when he will return to Saga-raoro Saga-raoro hill for another bIx weeks. Senator Mlllanl. afU-r hle.r.all on the Picsldont. said he had told Mr, Roosevelt of tho Intense Interest Western -Republicans arc manifesting ln the situation ln Now Aork State. Ho said they" aro unanimous unani-mous in honing that Ellhu Root will be nominated for Governor, as Mr. Root Ih very popular throughout the Central TV est. Senator Millard said In his own s, .t(? Mr- Bryan expected to mako a whirlwind campaign ln tffe hopo that ho might win tho legislature to secure for himself election to tho United States faenate. "Mr. Bryan's hope is a vain one, in my judgment," said Mr. Millard, "but ho will make tho effort. His fight will bo centered on tho legislative ticket, for I doubt If oven he thinks the Democrats ffV FR.rry hraska on tho Presidential ticket. Mr. Do Young who has Just returned rrom a. trip to Europe, oxpreased confl-conco confl-conco that the Pacltla States would retrls-ter retrls-ter their electoral votes for Roosevelt and Fairbanks. "Our people aro wonderfully prosporous." hu said. " and they want no change." Mr. Do Young will leave for ban 1-ranclsco tho latter part of tho week tormor Governor W. Murray Cruno of Massachusetts arrived hero on un own-V?ff own-V?ff l. n and Is an overnight guest of the President at Sagamore Hill. |