Show J. J t State and Local Deaths s I ff r f 1 Mrs Michael Phelan Mrs u. u Michael Phelan 04 Of of East Eu Forty fifth South Sut street Murray died Monday Mon iCon Illness day da night at a local loal hospital after a brief bre Mr Mrs Phelan was wa born at I County Cork Ireland Inland March 3 1572 Surviving are her herS S husband larch two daughters 1872 Mn Mrs II Il I. I I. I G. G Brandford Brand Brand- ford ann and Bloc BIna Phelan and a 1 son lOl Tom Torn Phe Phe- Phe for active member of ol fit St Via lan Ian She Se was wai WI an act e Bt VIcent VI cents cent's parish at Murray Eddie E. E Ackerman Jr Ji I Eddie E. E Ackerman Jr year old eon son of Mr and Mr Mrs Ur r. r n. n 1 E. E Ackerman died at t the family residence South west Veat Temple t street treet tamly Monday d morning of pneumonia m 15 The child was I born January 15 1935 in inFalt fait Falt Lake Ike City Surviving are his hl hit parents parenti an anti and a a. sister Gloria Funeral e services ices will vIll he bo r e conducted Wednesday Wed Wed- Wed Wed-I at p. p m. m In the Evans Evan a A Early mortuary t with I g the Rev Prank Frank k Eddy Mad Mad- den deri pastor of ot the te First Methodist church officiating Burial will wU be In City CIl cemetery i Mrs Martin Egan Mr Mrs Martin n Egan A r 67 7 former resident dl of r Salt Lake r nc c City died Je In n Santa ti Monica CA CA said se-Id word ord r received here her Monday Mr Mrs 1 years Egan Esan e resided la itt Salt Lake City for tor several Funeral a services and burial will take bural wi tak anI place In the California city Dean J. J Hanson Dean Dun J. J Hansn Hanson 5 year ld er son aon of or Mr and nd Mrs Mu Merle Merl Hanson died elicit in a 1 ca Canyon hospital Monday o of pneumonia o P nc The child was as born bom in BIngham I Canyon on and nd is la survived sunhe bv by his parents parent and anc two lster litera Lois Lis and Phyllis Hanson of ot Bingam Bing Bine- tarn lm am Canyon Ole C. C Jensen EPHRAIM Ole EPHRAIM-Ole Ole C. C Jensen 81 81 pioneer resident Oe EPHAI-Oe of this city died at the te home of his hi daughter Mrs Caroline Carolne Jensen In Monroe Sunday evening of or Infirmities Incident to age ge He lie had been ill l about abut three months montha ag Mr Jensen Jenen was a born bor In Denmark September Sep Sep 22 1850 1854 a ft n son eon of Hans Haas Han C. C and Hedvig Ol Olsen Olen n Jensen He Ie came ame with his hll parents Jed to America in lii 21 1863 alter after the family had Joined the L L. D. D 8 R. church He lIe settled eUe In Ephraim that fall taU and had lived lve here since until going to live Ih- with Iii his daughter at Monroe a few months month I ago He was WA married maried July 23 to Elsie Marie who died September 12 He Is survived b by eight sons ns and it daughters Myrtle n Oliver U J Jensen im Ephre-im s Cleveland le Orvel dj Jensen Mrs Union Union Ore Or Randolph I Jensen Salt SnI Lake City Mrs Caroline Jensen Monroe J. J Edvia Ed Jensen Ephraim Mrs Mr Selma An derson and Mrs Ir Esther Esthr Tolman Thol- Thol Tol- Tol rae man man Vermilion alto also b by on one brother Joseph Jo seph Jensen Caldwell Caldwel Idaho 43 grandChildren grand grand- rand rand- Children and ad 21 great I Daniel Cunningham PARK CITY Funeral CITY Funeral services service for tor Daniel Cunningham Cunningha 46 6 who died Sunday morning at 6 o'clock o of of the l lungs at athis athis his residence e eo on Woodside feea avenue e I will Wr be beheld beheld held at the St. St er Mar Mars Marys r s 's church Wednesday at nt dating 10 a. a m. m with wit Rev Thomas Toma F. F Butler Buter oCI Mr r. r Cunningham ham was W born May Mav fy 23 1880 ut t t Gr Greencastle County Down Ireland the tho of Daniel 1 and Ellen Sloan Cunningham sort son ff He lie came ea to Park City In 1000 1009 I and 8 had d since followed mining except for the tho past four for years em when he served as a janitor at at the Lincoln Cho school n He married May Crowley May 22 1017 at Park City Besides hi his hi widow he ho is I survived by one son Joseph his mother and three brothers r f In nir Ireland John J Joseph Thomas m and Nicholas Niche Nicho gr las two brothers James and Pe Peter r of Park City and one sister Iste Mrs Mr Pat of ot Jordan Mont Carol Crol Halverson C Ut Utah Utah-Cao Carol nh-Carol Carol Halverson Infant daughter of Mr bIr and Mrs Mra Harold n of e r died early Sunday 1 morning f sg She was born bJ December 25 5 1935 day Interment afternoon will wi be in the Elgin Bigin cemetery tery Monday Mon Mary lary A. A lt M. M McAllister ST. ST GEORGE GEORGE Funeral services Ices were held at 3 p. p m. m SundA Sunday for tor Mrs Mary Rl Ann Miller Miller Mil Mu- ler McAllister p 78 75 who died here Friday evening She had apparently been In good Joo health and Se been shopping and working About her home oe and garden One of her neighbors fd tt re oi called f In io about 6 o'clock i el In the evening n to find her lying on the floor dead Mary Ann Miller Mier WAS I born bor In Norwich England ud April 13 1858 the daughter e of William a and fr Ann Winter Miller auf Her parents par a ent joined the L. L D D. S. S church and emigrated emi erl- erl grated to Utah In let 1860 1869 bringing their 11 1 j old ear 1 daughter with them e Her father was drowned uJ In the New York rk her harbor gih as they land landed d. d Later LIer her mother also ailo was w dr drowned e In City creek e In Iii Salt Lake City l miter She was married lJ to Joseph s W. W a McAllister rc on February e u 14 1870 1876 8 in the Endowment g house u in Salt Lake k City Her husband was called caled to Kanab Kane to teach school so 10 they moved there soon lon after ater their marriage remaining re re- re- re until 1884 when they came to St. St George e. e The Te family had been prominent In musical circles In southern louther Utah She Is I survived bv the following children Professor Joseph Joeph W. W McAllister of Dixie college Mr Mrs 14 Ie Atkin Mrs Nemie Peace Pearce Mrs Maud nd Cottam Mrs Ir Mamie and Mrs Mr Viola Gentry all al of ot St. St George and Mr Mrs Ro Royle le of oC Lehl Lehi Utah and R Richard r W W. McAllister of f Bland Bland- g log ng b Utah g alto also 44 grandchildren r V n na a and 18 g great ren Gladys B B. Titley OGDEN OGDEN OGDEN OGDEN-Mr Mm Glad Gladys Barbour Barb ur urTie Tie Titley 42 wife of Joseph O. O Titley 2574 Swaner place lace assistant nt secretary of or th the Oregon of orr Lumber the r rg g grand company lodge and aud U of deputy Utah grand Masons roaster master died I at a a local hospital hopital to following a heart heat attack atack Mrs Titley was born bor Match Ma 9 0 1893 at t New v v c Sharon Sharn Iowa Io a daughter of ot the late Mr and aud Mrs George Barbour Barbur She was wa educated In Iowa schools and graduated from rom the c University of ot Io Iowa Ioa a at Iowa City She taught school In Iowa at Montpelier Idaho and at t the Ogden high school She had lived In Ogden about l 15 years She vas vae married Ig a at agg gg rw Iowa raI in 1924 1024 24 Mrs Mr Titley THley was ns a member of ot tho the Ogden First church matron Firt Presbyterian it n past put of Miriam chapter capter No 14 Order of ot the Easter Eastern Star and aud past ut grand organist of ot the he grand chapter of ot Utah S Surviving l are re her husband a her r stepmother er ere Mrs f Mary Barbour b Ames e I Iowa and d four sisters Florence Barbour harbour Washington D. D 3 C. C Mrs F. F E. E Mather Van Nuys Cal Ihs Mrs k Edna dna t ln Ranger tr Harvey I ey III t an and d' d Mrs a Harry Harr Wilson Oelwein Iowa Iowa |