Show Hammerlocks Out of Worlds World's Wrestling Title NEW YORK March 3 UP UP- UP Dick Philadelphia was recognized today as the new world heavyweight Weight wrestling champion after a a. victory la last Jast t night over Danno Y Ireland be before before be be- fore persons in Madison Square Garden who won the title from Jim Londos Londo at Boston InJune InJune in inJune June relinquished the title when he ho couldn't stand the tho pain patti of or a ahammer ahammer ahammer hammer lock had clamped on him The Irishman gave up after aCter 18 IS minutes 57 7 seconds of tame grappling Most of ot the bout was dull and uninteresting but once gained the tho upper hand he showed the champion no flO mercy First he ho clamped a too hold on the Irishman Then he switched to a painful hammer lock Jock Ho threatened to break brenk arm and then turned to Referee George Bothner When the official asked OMa honey to yield the champion quickly gave up to avoid further punishment It was five minutes before left tho the ring with his arm hanging limply at athis athis athis his side It was the first defeat OMa honey had suffered in more mora than thano o engagements since sincO coming to lo these shores |