Show GANGSTERS GA N KILL THIRD IN CLAN GLAN CHICAGO March 3 UP The JP The slayIng slay slay- Ing tag of f Anthony Demory third Demory-third third of ot othis his clan to meet a gan gangsters gangster's ster end- end to today ay was linked to the assassination tion of his half brother Machine Gun Jack McGurn Supervising Captain John Stege announced his belief bellef Demory died because he had boasted I know the guys that killed JackIm JackIm JackIm Jack Im I'm going to get get them The striking similarity of the of-the the two executions prompted the official theory that they had been carried out by the same trio of gunmen Demory 24 was playing cards with three others in a Little Italy poolroom last night Three men their faces shadowed by overcoat collar collars walked in They brandished pistols The Tho leader cried This Is 15 a stickup A score o of patrons patrons among among them Anthonys Anthony's brother Joseph Demory rose Ten shots were fired at Anthony Three struck him The assailants assailant fled Demory died in a hospital hospit l within an hour Just 17 days ago three gunmen shouting This is a stickup slew McGurn master McGurn-master master machine machin gunner for Al AI Capone Capone In In a a. bowling alley |