Show I L in Utah Basketball PI Standings Prep Play y l Note Nole Includes Monday garnet game Teams which have hav clinched tourney posts poets are des dee by the tho symbol x Teams which have ave captured district titles but UlI have hare further games fames to play before entering th thi tate state meet are designated by by z L REGION ONE Ogden Lof an District Won Lost Pet Pct Olden Ogden n e o 0 Logan Qc ogan g B i Weber e 0 a 5 3 6 South Cache Cach 3 4 5 Preston 3 3 3 5 Box lox Elder 3 6 Bear River niver 1 l j 7 North Cache Cachs 1 i 8 a Final Fridays Friday's League Schedule Game Gams Preston at North Cache ehe Richmond Logan Lopan at South Cache Hyrum Byrum Box Elder at nt Boar River Olden at Weber Rich Bleh District l Yon Woo Lost LoI Pet South Rich 3 0 1000 North Rich o 0 3 c Wednesdays Wednesday's Schedule r FInal Game North Rich at south Rich Randolph REGION TWO TITO Jordan District Won Lost Pet Pd Davis 7 2 Murray urray furray o 3 t Granite 6 3 Jordan ordan 6 6 8 3 4 4 5 4 3 3 6 Cyprus i 3 a 6 grf ni 1 g S 8 Fridays Friday Schedule Final FinI Games at Murray Y Jordan 5 at ia Granite j. j I Tooele at Davis at Cyprus Summit Woo Lost Pet Pct North Summit 0 0 1000 Morgan Horgan 6 3 Wasatch 5 4 5 6 Park ParI ark City City 4 n is Judge Memorial a 1 n 6 South t Summit Jt al 0 3 0 9 3 Frida Fridays Friday Final Games Park rk City at Judge Memorial South Summit at Wasatch North Summit at Morgan REGION THREE Alpine District Won Lost Lot Pet American Fork 9 0 1000 Provo 8 1 l 89 Lebl Lebi 1 1 4 5 B. B Y 1 High 3 6 Pleasant Grove Grov 2 7 Lincoln 1 8 Fridays Friday's Schedule Final Games Gamell Provo at American Fork B. B T. T high at Lehl LehI Pleasant lg Grove r i at Lincoln Orem Orera Nebo District Won Von Lost Pet 7 0 1000 Spanish Fork or S 5 2 71 U Tintic 2 5 Payson 2 5 2 6 t Fridays Friday's Schedule Final Games GAmu at Tintic Eureka Spanish Fork at Payson bye REGION FOURrIer FOUR FOUn Seller rIer District Won Lost Pet Pct Ephraim 7 8 S 1 Moroni 7 2 78 Mantl Manti 4 a 6 North 4 5 Gunnison 2 7 Wasatch Academy 2 J 7 22 22 Fridays Friday's Schedule Final Games Gunnison Cunnison at EphraIm ManU Mantl at Moroni North Sanpete at Wasatch academy Mt In Pleasant South Seller Se District Won Lost Pet Escalante o.- o. i 7 1 1 Panguitch 5 3 Marysvale a 5 3 I r 2 g 6 g Tropic 8 8 schedule completed Note Panguitch and roust must play game to decide Which team tean enters entera an annual annual n nual round robin tourne tourney North Seller Sevier District Won Lost Pet Pct Salina Sauna 5 5 j 1 Monroe 4 2 66 Richfield 3 3 oo OO 0 6 B Schedule completed REGION FIVE Northeastern District Won n Lost t Pet 8 0 o l 2000 O cJ-O I Roosevelt 6 2 2 4 1 5 16 Altamont 0 o e 6 Schedule completed Emery Carbon District Won Lost Lot Pet Pct North Emery 6 1 Central Castle Dale Dal 6 6 2 C Carbou 4 4 er 3 3 4 South Emery 0 8 3 Schedule completed Southern District Won Lost Lol Pet Pct Moab 4 1 Monticello 3 3 2 I BlandIn 0 4 SIX Won Lost LolL Pet PeL Delta neHa 6 1 l er Bea 5 2 Fill Fillmore more 3 4 40 3 t 5 Milford 1 1 6 13 Fridays Friday's Schedule Fillmore St Delta Delt Beaver at Milford bye Dixie Dl District Won WOR Lost Pet Pd Dixie 8 6 0 1000 lar Ce-lar City Cily 8 2 BOO Parowan 5 4 Enterprise 5 i 5 K Kanab 5 S 6 6 Valley h 1 8 Hurricane 1 8 1 1 Wednesdays Wednesday's s Schedule Enterprise at Parowan Fridas Schedule Kanab at Valley high Orderville Hurricane at t Dixie Saturdays Saturday's Cedar City Ily at Par Parowan l |