Show Wood Nickel T Conveys Bid Bia To Carolina Said the governor govern r of ot South Car Carolina olina ft to the gov governor of Utah Tuesday H He vc a a wooden nickel All of t which was was was' an invitation to Gov Governor Henry H Blood Bood from Gov Governor Olin Obin D D. J Johnston n. n of of South Carolina to attend th that t states state's s sesquicentennial celebration celebration tion ion at Columbia March 22 to 25 2 The invitation was accompanied accompanied panle by a 0 wooden nickel re redeemable redeemable redeemable re- re according to the legend on onit it It in coin of the United Stat States s sif if presented on ci or before March 21 1936 at the Columbia chamber of commerce Governor Blood admitted it was the first w wooden oden nickel he had ever taken |