Show Large Hips Often Spoil I Good F Figure ig re reBy By ALICIA HART You dont don't have to spend pend your time worrying because your hips are so much larger than those of fashion I show models but once your hip I measurements measurements' start to show signs of being out of proportion to the rest of yo your r body better do something something something some some- thing at once The tall girl with a a 33 bust has reason to be ups upset t when she discovers die dis covers that her hips measure 40 They o ought to be about 37 31 The size 42 2 has cause to worry the day she learns that her hips are more than 46 If s she e allows them to get larger and larger so they eventually eventual eventual- ly reach 50 she is guilty of neglect and ruination of her figure You determine your correct hipline hip hip- hipline line Una measurements only after atter careful careful care care- ful checkup on the size sIz of ot your waist and bu bust bunt t. t It is not 30 so much what you weigh but how the weight is distributed that decides whether your figure Is handsome or ugly A 4 womans woman's hips have a tendency to to spread as she gets older of course Sometimes this is Is' because she refuses to wear any kind of gi girdle dle or r c corset Or it may be bo because because because be be- cause she overeats and never exer exer- Whatever the cause over over- development of the hips hip can be avoided Exercises are the answer I know a young school l teacher who reduced her hips three f full n inches In exactly six months simply by rolling roIling on the floor SO times and morning If It you decide to try this on one dont don't g get t any Idea that I Iou you ou are are supposed to roll over and andover andover over across the room until your body and is bruised and your head throbbing with pain You are to lie on the floor on your back keeping your shoulders flat and arms at your sides aides Simply roll your body back and forth as far as it will go o without without without with with- out forcing your shoulders to move The waistline does the work The hips and thighs press pressed d hard against the floor as they are arc derive the benefit A variation of this is the exercise in hi which the left leg is held straight while the other ther is raised from tho the hip crossed over the left and forced upward a a. a f far ar as it will go Reverse this raising g and crossing left leg over right Both legs should be held perfectly straight When one Is raised crossed and forced upward until until it forms a right angle with the tie body the fatty tissues in the hip adjoining it are bound to get a areal areal areal real workout t. t oj j i J |