Show Watch Wat h A Common Cold Persistent C Coughs Are Dangerous 1 Treat That even an ordinary cold seriously and treat it right If A cough develops and hangs on if U bronchial irritations and geston torture you dont don't depend entirely entirety upon nature to make you well again and dont don't waste money on cold remedies that t give only temporary relief but use sion slon the one remedy that go goes s right to the sour source e of your trouble and fights the cough and ond the congestion from th the Inside to contains contains Beechwood Creosote Creosote-a a wonderful medicinal n agent t that helps loosen laden germ-laden phlegm breaks breaks up congestion inflamed membranes and aids the healing of Irritated ted tissues Doctors everywhere recognize this great value of Creosote Many recommend Cre in i because it perfectly blends this Creosote with other long known beneficial ingredients ingred ingred- len Lents for coughs bronchial Irritations irritations irritations and ond chest colds has pleasing taste It will not irritate or upset the atom atom- ach It contains no narcotics yet yel brin brings quick and md comforting relief to both children and adults Get Set a bottle of n from fromI your dru g t. t It the results dont don't I satisfy you he is Is' authorized to re- re refund re refund refund fund in f fun full South Temple at 2nd Ea East First East t First So at 3rd East East South at East Tuesday After 6 pm All All Day W Wednesday r r Ar A Fl Flavor r Salt Bacon B Treat rea lb IS I S S' F S S Special i t I Cheese Full a 1 lb 1 j Cream ream m IS I I Zee Tissue 3 rolls rons 10 jl i EJ Husler us ler Wasatch a s a 9 1 0 g gr r 48 lbs Ibs i. i I Qualify t Meats Meat s Fruit ru s sand an Vegetables L u Chops L Rib Lola Loin and II U. U 1 liSI e c A Sara s All tender green II r 2 c Sa Salt t G On s I Fresh flavo flavorful lb 1 c Fresh Ibs 2 e a rui S 'S for or lc tOe c cand Salmon Silmon and COD BLACK Sliced Silted t Potatoes Po 0 oes lire ss ets 10 0 IDS Ibs s1 Ie c Shor ore te t CU Cudahy ibs C Apples eS Washington DI- DI D for e It c i low ous large r e 61 JI C Ci I i IW Round hound loin oln Ground T-Eone T Round Sir- Sir Ib 1 1 en C Oran fan es e Juicy sweet d doz OZ Ii C I th B. B liy r Dept De t Danish Filled COFFEE COF CAKES each 1 i CAKE NUTS DO doz oz 02 cWhite c Lad Laddie ie White Whole or aL Bread 15 1 Boy 2 Z I loaves ave 1 I J BUTTER p Lighthouse Brookfield Cleanser Cleanser- 3 IO C. C Solid P pound 2 I Ibs i if I Subject to l Market r et Change Climax Wall Wail MARSHMALLOWS Cleaner 3 cans caDS I. I 1 Cello ic h SD SUGAR PINEAPPLE I Ib lb b. b Cloth loth Bag Hag Matched Slices Utah Uta Beet 58 C NO 2 J can 13 MILK 4 PEARS ll f Brands rand each 7 i C No White 2 Lily Lily Bartlett can Bartlett IS C r r t V Vi PORK Po y a BEANS J KARO SYRUP i I inri Dark 2 t ifft ft if- if c can an 1 i 9 0 3 1 can calf 19 C 1 e Jf I I ns i C n l Schilling Baking V Powder FISHERS FOR SCHOOL LUNCHES Thus better bread is s Ideal Idel for school chool lunches a it supplies the tho quick pick up ner- ner gy needed by school children Ii la It contains the extra D D' D Mt U growing boys boy and girls require Ask for It at your grocers AMERICAN LADY DARING BAKING CO CARE r rj Layer Cake 1 f DOG CENTRA MILK FOOD Large Cans lI OX OI Full Can b SOUTH nu n MAin n m a ea ir R e i N AH AU Dr Brands x EAST SO SOUTH SUG SUGARHOUSE SUGARHOUSE- C These Thee Pr Prices Effective W Wednesday and Thursday C C. C H 11 Powdered or SUG AR Brown Brown l 1 l lb v 5 c cT Tuna T una P- P Fish Ph IS h White J 2 size Star cans lie I. lI Ie Kelloggs Corn 0 rn Flakes EJ a k es Re Regular g ular P k g 5 50 e C Full ill I II I Se II I quart bottles WALL PAPER P CLEANER Climax Z 2 cans ASPARAGUS r. r Green STEAKS ro Sirloin T Bone a I. I HEINZ SOUPS L Cans ar ge Z for Smal Cans l 3 for CAMA Y SO 4 cakes 17 c LIGHTHOUSE CLEANSER Z cans for tor Shred Long Bulk Balk BREA BREAKFAST 2 2 Shred oz oz cans cans C 1 cellophane bar bag c ti GRAPEFRUIT Fancy Wd Florida oI a 3 for or WALNUTS B rJ right ht Amber No z cans Sh Shelled e II e dW f lIb lb ba b. c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE for MedIum size Iz Shivers Shavers Tall Tai a l l c gait an v. v O 3 11 PRUNES 4 4 4 4 1 ni cellophane C PURE GRAPE GRAP JAM Fan 1 Ju c OVAL TINE Large Lame I Ize can an a BAKING CHOCOLATES w cake c SOUPS TO Tomato P PS' PS s can can Ve g or 5 C cUtah MARASCHINO CHERRIES Utah p rack 5 bottle I v. v II Me C No 24 Z cans n CORN MEAL w or r 1 r WELL JELL 3 Ss lOc IDe c FLOUR pi fa lb lb bat bac Snow 1 s 79 GRAB M- M MEAT EAT cans size I 15 C Canned Can ed Vegetable Sale Sale- le PEAS LEAS or STRING BEANS Extra r Standard cans 4 for TOMATOES Solid cut SPINACH SPINACH Del Del Monte TOMATOES Solid Pack ASPARAGUS ASPARAGUS Fan Fancy y No cans 24 3 i 2 for tor 2 No cans s Z O 2 for tor C cans No s 2 4 2 for 3 CORN Extra CORN Extra Standard No PEAS PEAS Extra 2 Z Extra cans small sifted silted fl fl 1 iC c t Green ST STRING I G BEANS Pierces DEANS for foe Whole Ef n No cans cani a n. n 2 Z 3 3 5 for tor 25 C STRING BEANS Fancy BEANS Fancy Whole No 2 Z cans 2 Wax Wix LIMA LIMA- BEANS B. BEANS B. B do M M. TOMATO JUICE JUICE- I for No K 2 cans Ie Ic No tio Z cans gOc W 16 16 cans 4 l c CORN Country CORY Country Ge Gentleman Fancy BEETS BEETS Fancy quartered Van HOl No 2 z 2 I cans Van C Cam Camp D p. p 9 C No Woods TOMATOES No cans TOMATOES TOMATOES' Z 2 woods j 3 Cross for tor C cans No CARROTS Fancy CARROTS 2 Fancy Dice Diced 3 3 2 for tor J c N No SAUERKRAUT SAUERKRAUT Del 02 Z cans Del Monte 7 ftC C cans No 23 4 5 3 9 for or y Ot C No cans 2 2 5 forN for tor fl 1 3 C Me flow d 1 Ib 7 cans 2 cans 4 cans SF JI d. d Coffee Co ee Fruits fuits Vegetables Vegetables Vegetables- BIRRELL DIRRELL AS ASKINGS ASKING'S ASPARAGUS P GDS Green All 2 lbs Ibs 1 9 C G GINGER KINGS KING'S AL ALE SEVEN ALE KOURT SEVEN SOUR U UP P POTATOES POTATO T OE E S Fancy Quality u l Ib iii b s. s pC c I re Lugo U 01 Bottles I 4 AA 11 ONIONS l s Spanish Large aree h 50 SO 0 Ibs 6 7 c C A AUL CAULIFLOWER A lUL ULI UL I. I F. F LOWER Snow B. B 1 lb Ib C H 0 r OATS OATS OATS' Aft ARTICHOKES Crisp gK Green r P ea Sc c aag ABBOTS TS 9 TURNIPS New Tender BEETS BEETS- haag h Small c ORANGES Juice Jule Full r. r of 3 doz 2 9 C CL L Large arge ar e p k g. g c GRAPEFRUIT Arizona less doz oz Bobby Benson Denson Tumbler FREEt FREE APPLES Beauty Rome bushel LEMONS Juicy Eri Extra ra f doz I S Staley's ley s SYRUP PRUNES P UNE 3 Lb Cellophane t Phane e C ot or Crystal r Golden d u 5 C Can Lb DATES DATE Rolled a Sugar bs C Delicatessen Delicatessen- NIPPY CHEESE Finest CHEESE Finest Western lb 18 So S i Grains Crains o of Gold o BACON BACON Sw Swift t. t 17 Breakfast Cereal FRANKFURTERS STICK BOLOGNA 2 2 lbs Ibs 23 I SAUERKRAUT Well Well Cured 2 lbs Ibs 9 Pk g. g 18 C CODFISH CODFISH Finest Finest st Boneless ss lb lb 19 HAM DAM BOLOGNA Fresh BOLOGNA Fresh SUc Sliced d lb ISO 1St CHICKEN CHICKE LOAF LOAF Cole Cold Pressed i. i lb 29 LOBBY'S Choice Meats Meats- Mec is De rye Peaches Sirloin STEAKS it oin T Bone T-Bone one lb 17 c. c Sliced or Halves No 2 Cans Cans- Fresh Pork Porgy Spare Ribs lb 1 lc c or c VE VEAL C CHOPS lb Ib i SALMON SALMON piece Piece as cu cut t 1 I lb C SPERRY'S SLICED HALIBUT lb l b. b lc is DEEP S SEA EA FILL FILLETS TS lb IS c Wheat ea Hearts ears SAUSAGE SS Count C Small 12 BONELESS BEEF CU CUBES S lb Uc WE VE ARE FEATURING EASTERN CORN CORN FED FED Large ar c BRANDED BEEF SAFEWAY STORES Safeway a ewa i Wiggly Again Features J a 1 I i For Your Week Mid-Week i iVal I Shopping Tour Val Values Duplicated es That Can Not Be Duplicated GET THE HABIT OF SHOPPING 4 AT T a THESE STORES EVERY DAY DAJ IN THE I WEEK YOU'LL SAVE CONSISTENTLY I SOAP SI White wC Crystal i 1 10 0 b bars ars 25 0 I IWhite Peas Peas- String Beans B CORN OR Tom Tomatoes toes large cans 3 Mw cans ca' DS fc 25 C CORN Large Del Maiz cans 2 cans can s 15 c- c s MACKEREL Va 1 f n fa cans C a 2 for I SARDINES v Van vaY Oval aY Vamps Vamp's cans 3 for 25 SALMON 1 11 I Libby's K b. b can Red Alaska 2 f for or 4 5 c I FANCY PINK SALMON Pound 1 CanI Can I LARD ADD Inspected Government 8 8 Ib a I 1 Golden 09 Golden Heart Heart- 48 bag FLU FL V vu R n Every bag guaranteed 1 29 t Cluster Chester Pure Fruit 4 f P. P RESERVES PRESERVES Assortment 24 24 oz can 15 c PRUNES NES Fancy Clara Santa s. s 25 C I GINGER SNAPS Fresh Oven s Ib TRO TAA Margarine O Finest Margarine Quality 2 Ibs 39 0 I CLIMAX CLEANER 3 cans I MAYONNAISE Quart Aristocrat Giant Ht PAR Package 2 f r 45 01 C. C Purity Sandwich Supreme Ib MEAT DEPT Swi Swifts t s Half Hal SLICED BACON Pound P PORK CHOPS CHAPS L Loin Lean no or Chops Rib lb IL ID- ID OO SIRLOIN STEAK Baby Fancy y Beef lb Ib 1 c A CORNED NED BEEF Lunch For ch Cold l. l lb T Bone 1 B STEAK Fancy Steer Ib IL 21 4 A c one Beef FANY BACON HACON Delicious Mild iId Ib Flavor lavor by pIece Northern N th Salmon S I a Pieces to to lOc or ern a mon Bake LB BEEF CUBES For X lb 14 r g a PURE LARD lv White Lard Pure 2 n GROUND STEAK ES Fresh Lean b. b lb Ib FRUIT FR liT DEPT f c to SPINACH real Fancy spring P PE Texas tonic A C 3 3 Ibs 1 lOc ORANGES extra E Extra juicy large dOl 1 LETTUCE Cris Iceberg solid o W head LEMONS Fanc large extra doz ASPARAGUS green Tend Tender r r lb Ibn 1 Qc i t APPLES Delc Delicious Va Washington a lb I Crisp ci bundle S HEARTS CELERY white r r jj J PARSNIPS fresh CARROTS CARROT wa washed bed Sc j CA' CA gre green New v Il cro crop crop heads solid lb Ib t C |