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Show I The Ogden Siandard-Examiner PUBLISHING COMPANY. An Independent Newspaper Published every evening and Sunday morning without a muzzle or a club Entered as Second-class Matter lit the Poatofflce, Ogden, Utah. Establish! 1t7 Membir of the Audit Bureau of Circulation Circula-tion and The Associated Prest. subscription in advance Delivered by Carrier Dally and Sun-day. Sun-day. 1 year 110-90 By Man Dally and Sunday, 1 Vaar. . -$7.0 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Aaaoclated Press I exclusively entitled en-titled to the uee for republication of any news credited to It not otherwise credited In thla paper and alto the local news published pub-lished hareln. S f AND A R D -EX AM INER TELEPHONE , NUMBERS Classified Ad. Dept 56 Business and Circulation Dept &4 Display Advertising Dept 428 Editorial and Newt Papt 70 |