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Show jg Extra W3K Extr m ffl Ply of Fabric SSUSB Hmy Tr.ad H npHE new price of $15.85 for the 3 famous Fisk 30x3 Red -Top is six dollars and fifteen cents belowJune, 1921, price. The quality is exactly as high the strength of its construction has not been diminished in the slightest degree. No other tire ever made approaches its popularity for use on rough roads or with ! heavy loads. Extra ply and with a heavy, I tough red tread, every day adds many j hundreds of enthusiastic new users of j Red-Tops. ji Available, also at reduced figures, in size 31x4, 32x3, 32x4 and 33x4. l' There's a Fisk Tire of extra value in every size, tor car, truck or speed wagon. Hr :i "See What You Save" ' H W-SSM'K4W . w T j Mr Ay WlQ mn. a Cf iF 2303 Washington Avenue Get Ready NOW for I JULY 24th! Everything in Outdoor Wearing 1 Apparel for Men, Women and Children MEN S BREECHES LADIES' KHAKI BREECHES $1.49 A $2.45 r LADIES' KNICKERS MEN'S LEATHER PUTTEES 9 4 r AND 133.95 - Ml: LADIES' OUTING COATS AND JACKETS MEN'S KHAKI SHIRTS 1 qj- AND CiO AND UP i 98c up y I CHILDREN'S BLOOMER SUITS I KHAKI. rf Q I Q MEN'S OUTING SHOES fl Each tJJ.4D I $2.65 i; pvrouT suits 4j5 BOY'S SCOUT H ATS AQ S MISSES' KHAKI f 1 AO Each. . .... 4;fC I BREECHES. Pair ipl.jO g Suggestions for the Canyon Camp I TENTS, TARPAULINS, AUTO TENTS, BEDS, FOLDING COTS, CHAIRS, TABLES, STOOLS, CAMP GRATES AND GASOLINE STOVES. We Have the Right Equipment for Your Trip 1 Imlt It Is Noticeable That itcAXbtdtmt I W omen who have a regular amount deposited in their household checking account each month are also maintaining a growing savings accounts. By knowing just what money they have to depend upon, they are able to spend more economically. I National Bank of Commerce OGDEN, UTAH CHAS. H. BARTON, President (JEW BE R FEDERAL RESERVE QYSTEM 2453 Washington Avenue I if DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR I RED PACKAGE CEREALS i I The housewives of Ogden and vicinity are cordlalb invited to at- MM U tend a practical demonstrs Ion of eas) and economical method, 01 M baklni ghen by Mrs Mary Marshment of the Domestic Science Ue- f,fj m partment of the Sperry Flour Company. Demonstrations ; will lbs WRM U held at our store from 9 to 11 and trom 1 to 4 next Thursday. Fri- .V day and Saturday, gMng instruction In the making of p.es, cakes. j : cookies, biscuits, etc W&m M Biarehment who is a practical domestic scientist, will be glad WM Of to help .on , :.our bread-making and baking problem No JfiA goods an sold by Sperry demonstrators Feel iree to call upon jjgflj Mrs Marshment without obligation. 'K Kree- To even woman attending this demonstration, we will give jJll ihM ihe splendid Sperr' Cook Book, full of practical, proved and eco- f ') nomical recipes. Jgl Williams & Smith 1 '' 238 TWENTY FIFTH STREET jfl --',L J I THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATTJRDA? j SPECIAL ON GLASSES ' iirtlS ,is ftlwa' worth while We never offer "ijfl I nht thr ?l cV,Um of t,IJ8'ne". With the purchasing Lower of d "awng prlcef. l glve y0u 8tandard merchandise at s1 H j READING GLASSES BIFOCAL LENStf 0 A pair of spherical lenses. Two pairs of glasses fn oH 1 Kr,hund 8Uit yor eyes, for vou mav rad and f either close work or dlstanc- 7 , Qame V c Choice of gold-filled spectacles objects Wllh th6 Jjm I or Bhur-on frames, fine case and Spherical lenses, ev ! horoueh fxaminatlon tf 4 i a frame, fine case and CJJ j in"d 4.1U examination compile f 1 I Optical Department on Balcony f Rmw. i- charoe cuetomere may have olaieei charrjed. , Z I Broken lenees qulck'y duplicated. Wo save you time ano itat. 1 A OOODtS5 TO TRAfJ t |