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Show FOREMEN WILL STAYAT WORK Subordinate Officials of S. P. Refuse to Join Shops Strikers Subordinate officials, or under-fore-men, of the Southern Pacific shops will not comply with the ultimatum of the federated shops craft to Join their ranks, it is announced In a statement Issued today by a committee commit-tee representing the undcr-foremen. At a mass meeting Monday ot th? i shops strikers a resolution whs adopt-! adopt-! ed calllnK upon the subordinate officials offi-cials to Join the strike by 11 a. m. Wednesday or be banished from the union. FOR F MFN'S A N 8 V FR. The following statement contains the foremen's answer "Subordinate officials employed In Southern Pacific compnny hops on the Salt Luke division will not comply com-ply with the ultimatum issued by tho h1 federated shop crafts at Ogdi to Join their ranks b 11 a m., July 19. I after which tlmo they will bo denl.-J ' iidmlttance to said unions. Subordinate official below the i rank of jreneral foromcn of the S. P. I company lines, I'nelfic system, hold mombershln In the International As- ! soclatlon of Railroad supervisors of I Mechanics with headquarters at St. I.ouIk. Mo. 18.000 WSaOOSBSBMf. "This asslclatlon has a membership If 18.000 subordinate officials Jn both the motive powor and car departments depart-ments In nearly nil r.illrouds In the j United States and Its members do not care to hold membership in the various va-rious craft organization for the rea- Son that the leaders of thow organl-I organl-I zatlins hap be M denied the i It; h t to I reprpsont or legislate for supervisors i by both the Interstate commerce commission com-mission and thu United States labor hoard. Both of thi s. tribunals have-recognized have-recognized the grand lodge ofuJtrs of the International Association of Hallrlad Superilsors of Mechanics as having the right to represent this class of cmuloves In all matters oer-taining oer-taining to wages and working agre ments and inasmuch as all disputes have been adjusted to the satlsfartl jn of all concerned. It Is an unreasonable i reuuesi for the crafts organization to usk supervisors to violate th- laws of our organisation and the lawa If ! our country and go out on strike at this time. (Signed) "COMMITTEE." The federated crafts today Issue this statement In reference to the lstter of C R Gray, president of the Union Pacific, In yesterday's lafUe, wo wLuh to aeR, In tho event of a decision b a governmental gov-ernmental agency, favorable to the railroad striking shopmen, will Mr. Ur.i.v thn be so law-abiding" as ho now claims? Wo are certain that we will get a favorable decision and In that event it most certain l win n.t be such as will make it possible for Mr (irj to follow out hi published program. PIBIylC RENT-IMF. XT. "The nubile press continues to testify testi-fy that public sentiment continues fa-rOrabla fa-rOrabla to the strikers, city officials In various parts of the country are taking st,rlke breakers from trains und turning them over to strlko head-quartPi-s, they In turn s-ndlng th.-m by request, to the harvest fields. The meeting in Salt Uake vester-j day was a success from our point i of view, "We are still addlna men to our membership, railroad official reports notwithstanding." |