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Show oo PREST IS MISSING. Our friend, Clarence 0 Prest, avl-j ator, departed from Eagle, Alaska, on Sunday, intending to land at Fair banks in three or lour hours. Up to vestcrday he had not been heard from ind there is unea.-ines as to his safety. Prest made some oi Ins Hrsl ilights; in Ogden a number oi years ago and J on ope occasion narrowly escaped disaster dis-aster when be lauded his plan up ide down He is B resourceful avi- ator. If he is in difficulty and there j is a way out ho will find it. But Preat's present plight it a reminder re-minder that flying has not acTwtnced beyond the stage of being a most dan gerous calling. Of all the early avi dtors, not one is nlive today except iboee who kept out of the air and held to terra firma As an amusement, lying off i 'brills, but each thrill contains all the 'Icments of a knock ai the door of eternity. |