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Show HOPES FOR RAILWAY STRIKE SETTLEMENT GROW WITH TALK I OF NEW PARLEYS ABOUT WAGES I Rules Affecting Overtime Pay and Proposal of 8 , Restoring Seniority Rights Two Questions ii . Which Still Are Causing Trouble; Main- ' tenance Men Won't Quit Jobs 1 i W- CHICAGO. July 19. (By the Aase- K elated Press) Railroad peace parleys K assumed new and more Important pro- jEfc portions today, with possibility of the H walkout of 400,000 maintenance of W way men virtually removed by the ac- K tion of the railroad labor board In In- dlcatlng that lt would grant new wage ML hearings for these crafts. Mh Senator Cummlngs' announcement at Washington that he would hold K hearings on the transportation act. to H ascertain how tho law may be amend- Kf ed, so that tho living wage principle Bp would be made clear, was received as Kt" decidedly favorable to fjeaco, both by L, rail heads and strike leaders. Regard- K ing this as one of the most Important ft concessions yet offered, tho unions' Ip strike leaders pointed out that a clear Wt'; definition of what constitutes a living ft' wage seemed in prospect. This has Pi been the outstaldlng question in wagn HP-disputes HP-disputes brought before the railroad Wr labor board. The unions fought pass- Stage St-age of the transportation act and have Be since frequently disputed many of lta 6 provisions. E, OTHER ISSUES LETT W With tho wage question thus eilm-lnated eilm-lnated from the dispute, only certain rules affectllg overtime pay of tho b shopmen, and th5 question of reator- K a' Ion o sonority rights to men now K-on K-on strike. Aero left as about the only issues. It was not believed that th latter question would" prove a stumbl- f ling block in the way of settlement of :" the strike. The railroad labor board was ox- jv pected to glvo Immediate attention to g the petition of maintenance of way JF men on the Chicago. Milwaukee and w St. Paul ralway for a revision of wage scales, the company having waived Its WjJ right to a thirty day notice. t GRABLE TO REPORT B E F. Grable. president of the main- K tenance of way brotherhood, was back E in Iietroti today, Preparing for the Uv meeting of the grand lodge of the brotherhood Friday. He will report If. on his meeting here wltn the labor H board and on his conference Saturday !K with President Harding. Before leav- K i ing Chicago, Mr Grable expressed be- 1?' Ilef that a walkout if his men could h av rtcd and that the shopmen's strike H would soon be settled. H s4 iHCITX OF FUEL g Officials at Dallas. Texas, said that W'' an acute shortage of fuel oil and coai H was llkoly to develop In Texas within ft the next week or ten days, due to tni R scarcity of Uink and coal cars. Chemical analysis of the milk served at the Chicago. Milwaukee and St a..' I'aul railroad yards, which made about B To workers I1L disclosed that the milk S contained croton oil, city health au- BJ thorltles said. I Ths Pere Marquette road annulled t six passenger trains in Michigan, due. f it was announced, to the coal strike BBVJ and the shopmen's strike. BABJ |