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Show A A A A AAA A A A 1GDENITE DROWNED AT SPRINGS m. ESTATE IAN VICTIM Fi OF ACCIDENT " t Agee, Widely Known jden Man, Drowned At Hot Springs )H 1 jj pF FORMER JUDGE , i Found When His1 V ur Children Miss Their Father IRl t G. AgeP. -i ' , ;'r,;; '' mm sal estate rr..-in u ' f for-1 TF ge A. V ' was drovncf?! I ftVclock t li 1 morning in ai Is he Utah Hot Springs. in miles Bt, Ogden j f h no on- " w ft at rhf -...-I.-. " ' ' ' ercon by the hot w S. discovered 30 mil I missed in the bottom i le pool of the resort build-; rt Giles, an employe, who ad when him fa I SO minutes' work with the Of the fire department Bg anv signs of life. Ph -examined the body be- In the pool for nenrly re the body was found CHILDREN THERE went to -.h'- springs r oi I to treat his leg ui"r. erailon Was performed a EUs four children, Gordon 16; Dorot hy 12, 0 nd Yir-JOmpnnicd Yir-JOmpnnicd him, pan cald that after they their bathing suit 'h, r tbem to g" Into the out -hue he remained in th to treat his leg. hour later they said ' hi nd dressed and belli Uher had already di ting for them in the bulld-elr bulld-elr automobile. A s the building flled and Rifled C. E. Led hotter, rc-r. rc-r. OIY is FOUND. jdbetter lmmedlut I i . i n " 1 JBjpOol while .Mr CI."- l.eiran K In the first pool. Hi' '11 t-. I the I 'I brought it up ZiJbu to t .orlng . FOSdistelv following Mi. d.s-o-.er, jbotter -ill' 'he lung- gt the Otf'i' ii 'ire station Cap-Hb. Cap-Hb. Wardleigh ;nl his lung-crew, lung-crew, ll-lSaorge 1 ' T'SOn ma.l.' 'he run from ' -'..'", IHsort 4jfcng-rii . ' " jSBjrlthoiit I i r . - In BK. Rov H Vlls..n. it " ' Jphtslclsn. Sheriff Richard Pln-Sd Pln-Sd Depr 11 I i Mohlman. Lv Thalfn in,! I'i K. it Dumke the scene Horn i x mins ii flBJ pi. the jHT declared i BEjig Mr AS- Th-y lien ' I BM examination tli .t the ;nan .yBbal'U' ym he : Bhe poo! BBhf th BBfis rem. ft i X 1 Bf the i.'.'U which might indl- Kbe had fai'1 1 Kivii i hi B MMr havi:".; been in th V Bln tun. In BBrcornc and faint". i sinking AlOttom Hi-- un,- 1 IKlch. the Bat th re 'a .1 h no frillur- oi i if re he sank ren. who v.er overcom were taken ' i ijrden by jk. Deputy Mohlman loo); r. Ague's effect.- The body d to t ho K n i.. ndall p. he oldest of the children, father appeared lo have I his leg this morning, but j loved no signs of Illness ! le, the man's father, is in j are Mrs. Ag e, his w Ldow , father, Arthur v'- .K' e. e Elks' bank, brother, and Ago?-, of t'oifax. Wasn.. r children n-h' were with springB ee and the 'a't are now i park. Funeral arrange-1 not yet been m i&t |