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Show BURNED WHEN ?J(aSOLINE EXPLQDES jl LAKK. July n Mrs John J X 236 North Nrnfh street, and Cmall children were seriously Bl yesterday afternoon v.hc-n a bfgMol.ni- stuvi' .xpl'.ded in the iVMrs. Kvans was nttempt Ing to (th" stove hen it suddenlj "'and tlir v. burning gasoline, tfchOUt the K'ltrhcen Sjft. Darlgan. 322 North Sixth West JJhO was in :. dons', at the JJfinade several trips Into the burn-aSom burn-aSom to rescue the children. Ho (ffcrncd about the face and arms. Fflre which did ers little dam-W dam-W the house, wns f xllnguished '"trolman T W 1""-. who ar-Bfret. ar-Bfret. He used n small fire ex-ijKher ex-ijKher carried on his automopile children who were l.urn'-d .arc Wf. 1 year old I'.obbv J. lrm:i. """Kettle, 7 AH of them r.-reiv. 1 Jp burns, but i 1-- not Ib-ved BHe Injuries will prove fatnl Thoy Jfcaken to the emergoncj hospital Bfctment. |