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Show SECRET PARLEYS OF LEAGUE DISFAVORED LONDON. July 19. The announcement announce-ment overnight that today's mooting of the council of the league of nations would he privute brought forth renewed re-newed exprc-dons of disappointment. It was understood that the subjects for discussion would be the Palestine and Syria mandates, which the opponents op-ponents of privacy cont.-nd nre particularly par-ticularly susceptible to the evils of traditional diplomatic bargains The chief opposition to the.s.- mandates man-dates has been expressed from Italy, which nation Is accused in some quartern quar-tern rf seeking economic advantages while her objection to the French claim to the protectorate ov.-r Christ-ians Christ-ians in the Near East also Is said to stand in the way of a smooth agreement. agree-ment. On the other hand, there is reason to believe that th-- Vatican s opposition op-position to the redrafted article XIV of iho mandate will not be pressed, as lit has been decided that the Christian Christ-ian representatives on the oomml6Slcn for custody of holy places shall be a Roman eatholic Italy's attitudo on this poln'. accordingly, Is understoou to have been modified. |