Show ever since the days of adam and ana eve the gentle sex has ben no noted ted for theil ability to start things tho girls of today are no exception to the rul rule judging from the way tho the girls of the high school have taken hold of 0 th the e girls club idea at the suggestion every girl was wap en thus thusia lastic and willing to do her part to put life and action into the school each class voiced its sentiments senti asa b tho the benefits to bo be derived from such an organization tho girls club really intends to encourage every evry bu of talent that there is among its members to foster ft lively and friendly spirit anil and to develop that wonderful thing called PEP which can como come only from activities and enjoyments enjoy ments 11 not does docs the girls club aim to give I 1 pep to the school but also to lift the standards we nim aim to make our school the bist best in tho the state each girl wishes to raise the school astle standards of tho the tooele thoele high our watch word Is ia do be on the job ca can any school fail with such an a aim im already the havo have been elected for the year each officer la Is going to put the tha best that Is ia in her to mako the club a success the officers that have been elected are as follows president lillian orme vice president blanche secretary isabell sharp Treasurer Mrs B E 0 thompson reporter jean orme the first definite undertaking of tho the club is to equip a rest room lor for girls in the high school this mains raising money tho the first entertain ment will be a play to bo be given ln in the strand theatre november Ro member the dato date and watch for further advertisement advertis ment |