Show IMPROVE CEMENT MIXTURE samples tested in the hope of obtaining better results in concrete construction chicago has what be termed a sand library in a series of glass covered cabinets in the structural material research laboratory tit ot lewis institute are arc row after row of little klass glass bottles filled with sani sand that have been brought jo to chicago from various corners of hie world to be tested in the the hope of producing what engineers might regard as an ideal concrete mixture it Js probably the only collection of its kind in existence and the information contained on the labels of tile the bottles gives an interesting insight nto into the part that science Is playing in n modern undertakings this sand library was started ten years ago and specimens hove have ben been 1 added from time to time until there are more mord than 2800 different bottles ot of sand in the collection the specimens me n s come from every state in ili the union and from canada cuba mexico find other foreign countries each sample has been carefully tested and the results of the test are kept in the flies files they include the source of the specimen the grading silt content and the results of tho the colorimetric test for organic impurities in most instances mortar and concrete tests also have been made the reasons for the tests were to ast aa certain the suitability of the yar various ous sands for concrete and mortar wor work the experiments with the var various due sands were undertaken at the laboratory as a part of the work of aseer ascertaining methods that will assist the concrete user in obtaining the best results in the use of the material PLANS CITY SMOKE SURVEY investigation will show the condl eions existing in industrial centers centera the i smoke investigation begun began by the meillon institute of industrial pe research of the university of pittsburgh in 1012 1912 and temporarily concluded in 1014 wilt will be resumed immediately under the Ai direction of dr clarry B meller who has resigned as dean of the acilia of mines alles to take up the work systematic surveys of smoke conditions in pittsburgh chicago cleveland and other industrial cities will be carried on they wilt will he be made up of comparative para tive analysis smoke dust and soot contaminations research into the manufacture of smokeless fuel by especially pec specially ally lally low temperature carbonization of bituminous coal and investigation of physical means of abating tile smoke with particular reference to electrostatic precipitation of smoke the survey work has been started with the installation and operation of apparatus for the determination of the smoke content of the air this phase of the investigation will be continued for a considerable period in a number of cities ettles at 41 the same time bulletins will be issued to inform the public women clean up a town armed with red pepper and clubs tile the married women of a suburb of detroit are making the tonn safe for men and boys they are waging wat war on certain questionable resorts which have been baen 1 by police in the first encounter a raid on a poolroom 7 the women were defeated their leaders were arrested and jailed later they were released however and now new campaigns are 11 awaiting execution trees tree and the birds bard A land Is Is a ern land and a treeless land to Is a land every bird shot or oi deprived of shelter for rearing young means a decrease in the army of defense against the insects which already damaged our crops to the amount of a year private ownership love 1 of beauty public hygiene and financial prosperity call for protection of aces and the birds they shelter nature magazine agazine 31 placing of trees street trees may inny be placed from 30 to so 80 feet apart depending upon the variety says tile the american tree association of washington D 0 catalpa and lombardy poplars lars which are not very commendable for street use may be planted at the minimum distance alyon alten above while sycamore and elm require the maximum distance additional suggestions foi for tall fall tree planting will be sent you tor for a two cent stamp pines in right place thy they are nice for lawns and parks or other open places but the pines and trees classified ns as conifers alfare h ave no place in treet pinn planting ting rays cays the american tree association of wash ington D 0 in urging tree planting their winter shade la Is undesirable they do not yield readily to pruning A pie Pl pleasant town one of the pleasia niest towns to 0 o live in la Is one just big enough to 40 call cal I 1 on out the brass band when the governor visits it 1 1 t |