Show NE NEWSPAPER COURAGE a in a few lines of human endeavor la Is real courage so necessary as in that of running a small newspaper moral courage Is required deguire A in decia hg wham wha to tf print and some times it Is equally in deciding what riot not to print moral moral and physical courage how ever aver are characteristic of many news paper caper ra men on in whom the element clement ot business courato courado appears to be wholly I 1 lacking it is tho the lack of such courage which has doomed many small publishers from time immemorial to a life of un recompensed toll toil wo we fear to charge a fair price fear to offend an unreasonable customer fear to maintain consistent business 1 policies regardless of immediate con 1 1 sequences j 1 while other business men unhesitatingly ta raise prices price s whenever costs I 1 A A make such a course necessary many publishers accept unprofitable rates for fear of losing a little gross busi I 1 ness there are but three reasons ordin arlly for a newspaper failure it potency lack of bourage or an immoss 1 ible field maroy B darnall flor I 1 i on ance ce ala herald |