Show TOOELE WANT ADDS f for calcimine Calci ming paper hanging plastering T lebreton north main street call mrs A F mallett ab phone one 63 for milk and cream FOR RENT four room house garden plat and fruit trees inquire at transcript office FOR SALE young pigs also young heifers heffers hei fers just in fresh see john R england west and 3rd ard north FOR SALE 1 9 room modern house also 1 13 3 room brick frame house for price and terms write geo L tate inkom ankom idaho FOR SALE CHEAP automatic electric washer phone 37 J FOR SALE massive fumed oak china closet and buffet inquire at north main LOST purse containing 20 and valuable receipts about september j ard 3rd in tooele thoele return to A W lar son eureka utah and be rewarded dedo ll 11 FOR RENT furnished rooms in madem house inquire at this office NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior U S band land office at salt lake city k utah october lith 1922 1923 notice is hereby given that willara S sagers of st john utah who on september 3 1919 made homestead entry number for sva SW section 23 section 26 township 5 south range 6 west salt lake meridian has filed notice of intention to make three year proof to establish claim to the land above described before the register and ltee receiver iver U S land office at salt lake city uta utah k on the day of november 1923 claimants names as witnesses win M russell of salt lake city utah and henry charles I 1 milton gagers and lial russell of st john utah EIA EH F TAYLOR register datlof date it first publication oct JOHN B be GORDON ATTORNEY AT LAW notary public tooele thoele utah TOOELE COUNTY STATE BANK capital and surplus tooele thoele utah phone 25 DR J A PHIPPS DR DL HOWARD PECK PHIPPS PECK 9 to 10 a m office hours 2 to 3 p m t 7 to 8 p pm m office on north main street tooele thoele utah DR GEO R DAVIS DENTIST special attention given to gold crown bridge work E LE ROY SHIELDS attorney counselor A tl law special representative penn mutual life insurance Ins uranio company OFFICE IN TATE tooele thoele utah WM S MARKS attorney counselor at law office thoele tooele county state bank CLIO G C TANNER attorney counselor at law suite judge SALT LAKE CITY UTAH MORONI ENGLAND funeral director undertaker and licensed E embalmer tooele thoele utah PHONE 62 SEE peter V clegg FOR FIRE INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE BONDS ETC CALL AT TOOELE COUNTY STATE BANK TOOELE UTAH J LE ROY LEE PLUMBING and all kinds of repair repa r work window glass replaced 18 UTAH AVENUE PHONE NO 4 laboratory GOODS mrs G T adams is agent for nil all Lab laboratory orator Tro products ducts for this city including toilet articles the famous Sa litone blood purifier and specialties rat snap beats the best trap ever mude blade mrs airs emily shaw sa says ys my husband bought a 2 trap I 1 bou bought lit a box of rat snap the trap caught stats 3 rats but the RAT SNAP killed 12 in a week im never with out RAT SNAP reckon I 1 raise chicks without IV it RAT SNAP comes in cakes three sizes dc ac sold sola and guaranteed by the tooele thoele drug co and the tooele thoele ilaw co WJ 83 v ui i i bedding fundersol Und ersol ced RIGHT WHEN YOU NEED NEW REDDING BEDDING WE ARE able T TO 0 OFFER A big DISPLAY OF CAREFULLY MADE BEDDING AT substantial PRICE reductions 0 soft huffy fluffy blankets light b but ut warm comforters each cach item an all unusual al valdo at the right prices thoele tooele to trading co t tooele thoele salt lake stage le line ine passengers AND EXPRESS stilt salt rake lake D depot 1 ot thoele tooele depot pecry hotel 3 ard 3rd rT SW Tam plo oquirrh hotel TIME TAHLE TABLE effective may 19 1923 lv tofele tooele ar salt lake Lako lv salt lake ar tooele a dm M 1100 a am M a am M a am in 1 30 p in 8 30 p d m 1100 11 00 a m 1 00 p in p in p in p m p in WE GUARANTEE SERVICE stage will receive passengers at liberty cafe in newtown and nd oquirrh hotel as aa indicate on the timetable time table phones oquirrh hotel liberty cafe for Li information formation regarding delivery of light express parcels call oquirrh hotel the tooele thoele salt lake stages are comfortable for table heated for the comfort of their patrons 4 P an A cash basis wo we have our credit business on coal and have reduced prices accordingly wo we still carry carri the same high grade of liberty coal you know so BO W well ell 4 atkin bros coal CO e i x 4 4 yours youra for first class service I 1 X phone J tooele thoele utah 9 factory rebuilt shoes A lot of difference between the old fashioned peg em on cobbler and our modern modem factory equipped shoo repairing shor shop we begin tight right down at tho the welt and rebuild your our shoe I 1 our equipment Is tho the same as tho the factory that built tho the shoo shoe naly t when we repair it wo we keep tho the style you bought with the shoe bigland glands En I 1 S n repair shop fairl fahm f why I 1 put up with rats for years yearb writes N windsor windser former farmer years ago I 1 bought some rat poison which nearly killed our fine watch dog it so scared us that we suffered a long time with rats until my neighbor told mo me about than a sure killer nad land a safe one three sizes sold and guaranteed by the rho tooele thoele drug co and thoele tooele ilda co halls catarrh medicine those who are ina in a run down condition will notice that catarrh bothers them tem much wora more than when they are re la in rood good he health ith this fact act proves that while catarrh 14 t a local dla it Is 1 greatly influenced by constitutional conditions condl tlona HAWS CATARRH MEDICINE ton con slats of 0 at an ointment which quickly Il elleves by local appi leation and the internal medicine a tunic tonic which assists alti in improving the general sold by druggists for or over t 44 yeara ba B ar J heney co toledo ohio |