Show WEEKS PROGRAM AT FRIDAY billie dove and all star cast in YOUTH 0 U TI 1 T TO 0 y YOUTH 0 U T 11 1 also ruth rol roland an d f in n 1 aia HAUNTED U N T E D VALLEY ADMISSION PRICE loo loc and 0 SATURDAY bessie love and gareth hughes in FORGET ME NOT ao ano bus buster ter keaton in MY S RELA marince 0 sc loc joe evening loc joe 0 MONDAY alice brady and conrad nagel ln in THE SNOW BRIDE topics of of tho the day ADMISSION PRICE loc and 0 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY aday mao mae murray in THE BROADWAY ROSE mithu cathu doylew ADMISSION PRICE loe and 0 THURSDAY dustin farnum in TUB THE YOSE MITE TRAIL comedy tho no fresh hair ADMISSION PRICE loe ift and NOTICE TO ICE USERS beginning november let 1923 ic deliveries will be made each ach tuesday and nd saturday mornings all orders ordera should be in tho the office before 10 A M an on delivery days CLARK ELECTRIC POWER CO phone ar SOUTH WARD M 1 I A CONJOINT under the direction ot 0 tho the south ward M I 1 A standards tho the following coti conjoint joint mutual ajro program ar am will ve be rendered in the ward chapel sunday awning at 7 1 30 e o 4 fia clock baritone solo clyde lee tali k af joawph mula mills W n V n r Z piano so soto i vocal solo 4 grover at mcbryde all |